The Optical i'll be using just comes out of my motherboard, not out of a soundcard as i'm only using onboard audio at the moment
right now i'm currently using the analog [head phone jack style] plug hooked up to an older pioneer receiver as my computer sound system, and it seems to work fairly well
for quality since i'm going to be playing lots of music videos etc. through my computer, i'd really like quality, but i'm kinda sketchin out on how hard it will be to switch between analog and opitcal since the onboard settings are kinda sketch :S
would you guys definatly recomend opitcal over analog? or will the differenance be small?
maybe i'll consult my motherboard manual as to turning on opitcal..
edit* and just to clarify i know what i'm looking at, and to show u guys how it is
this is how my output is now:
from there these go to the receiver:
and this is the optical out correct? :