Its been a while, let me see if I can remember.
Start with the setting on your TV that is closest to the 6500k color temperature. This is the reference color temperature that the studios use and your objective is to get whats on your screen looking as close to what the studios intended as you can.
From there I worked on white levels (hardish to do) and black levels (easy). Use your display manual to figure out which control corresponds to each. I seem to remember that white levels were a series of bars ending in white. The objective was to get clear separation between each bar. I found it kind of hard to do with the last two bars.
Black levels were much simpler. There were two sets of 4? bars representing below black, black, 2% above black, 5% above black (percentages could be off slightly) against a black background. You want to get to the point where you can just barely tell the difference between the black background and the 2% above black.
From there I went to a set of color bars that you looked at to adjust your colors. In my case I only had tint and hue to work with. I could not directly adjust RGB values. I ended up with a little too much red so that sometimes there is a bit of a red tint in very dark backgrounds. Its not something I notice any more.
Don't bother with grey levels or gama unless you are willing to buy the appropriate meter.
It is a little confusing at first, but after a few times through the disk it starts to make more sense. Hope this helps.