Hi Everyone,
I had originally posted about calibrating my Samsung S5053 but yesterday I received my Digital Video Essentials calibration DVD. It is an extensive, information packed DVD and in trying to find the best settings for my TV, it did help.
Here are some notes & questions I wrote down and would love any help I can get from you guys.
According to the DVE DVD...
1) Movie Mode is the setting to use
2) Use "warm" color tone (but warm 2 or warm 2?)
3) I learned that Sharpness should be set to "0"
4) Color: Using their filter and my wife's help, I was able to calibrate the color correctly. However, it looks "unnatural" to me - too much color. Is this normal?
5) Brightness: I was able to finally calibrate this, which is great but...
6) Contrast, I couldn't seem to find a test/calibration for - any ideas?
Here are my settings now...
Again, any advice would be appreciated.
Paul in Arizona