Dvd rec,vhs,cable,tv,rec,--Hookup..Help?



I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about receiver and components.
I have my system hooked up but I know that something is not right and wanted to ask someone. When I ask the salesperson I get no place and even worse when I call customer support so I thought I would resort to asking a real person. My Sony finally died and I am glad.. I am thinking of getting an Integra Dtr 5.5. My question is rather long so I thank you for the time not only for reading it but for answering it, If you can. At any Rate I again thank you so very much for your time. Ok here goes.

I have a reciever
I have cable.
I have a DVD recorder
I have a DVD Player
I have a VCR
I have a Sima Scc color corrector. (for write protected DVD or VHS)

Right now the cable comes out from the cable box and into the VHS. ( I like this because when I play a tape it just plays when it stops it goes back to the cable program)

The DVD I have connected now is not a recorder ( the new one is still in the box)
However the DVD is connected to the TV ( this sucks because I have to change the input on the TV in order to watch the DVD) I would rather it worked more like the VCR i.e. when I play the DVD the cable just stops and the DVD plays without switching.Hmmm LOL Still with me

All the audio for everything runs to the receiver. It works but I know it can be much better. ( changing Audio with the receiver is cool because I can do it with a remote) So I can watch VCR or cable, just when I have to do the DVD thing is a drag, and now that I want to record with the DVD I see more headaches.. Yikes...

I would like ultimately to be able to record from the DVD to DVD, DVD to the VCR or vice versa ( I have a huge library both DVDS and VHS). Record cable to DVD. Record Cable to VCR, and have everything love each other instead of having to get up and change all kinds of stuff whenever I need to record something.

Being that my receiver crapped out and I just got a new DVD recorder and I figure I will get a new Receiver the 5.5, I will probably get new speakers too. I wanted insight as to other persons views on this delema. I have been reading all sorts of home theater magazines and still have no answers.

Thanks for all your time and knowledge either way... John


Audioholic Warlord
The Integra DTR-5.5 receiver seems like a good one. In general, Integra manuals are well written and clearly understandable (unlike some other well known brands). You can find answers to your questions in the manual for this receiver. There is a long section describing ways to hook up various audio and video devices to this receiver - including diagrams. You can download a pdf copy at this website:

I have never tried to hook up a DVD recorder, but I quickly scanned the manual and I think you will find ways to make all the video connections through the receiver to simplify switching. Good luck.

It may take a long time to download it, but it is worth it. If you have trouble downloading the manual, email me and I can send you the file that I just downloaded.


Thaniks so very much for your help.. Direction is a good thing. I will have to fool around with it and see. Thanks again.. John

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