Duracell Extender For PS3 Slim



Audioholic Samurai

The Duracell Extender will be an add-on for PS3 Slim owners who would like to add three usb ports, SD and memory stick card slots and a place to store two controllers. The unit is powered by one of the PS3's usb ports so in reality you only gain two ports but hey it's two extra you didn't have, (using Billy Mays voice) and how much do expect to pay for this wonderful device? $200, $150 no this could yours for the low price of $80.



Audioholic Jedi
Doesn't look like it will fit on a standard width shelf, so it may not fit in mine. I kinda like the concept, but not sure if it is worth $80.


Audioholic Samurai
I believe your right lets see the dimensions of the Slim are 11.42 x 2.56 x 11.42 in. plus add another 8" for the extender (guessing here) and it seems it would be a tight fit. Now factor in a least 4" on each side so the PS3 can breath and yeah the standard self won't have enough room. The price IMO is on the high side for some storage, 2 usb ports and a memory card reader if it was from $30-$40 then maybe I could consider picking one up to test.


Audioholic Jedi
Especially since I picked up a 2 controller charger for $19 :) They didn't really integrate the plug to the USB very well either.

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