Hard to believe how little we know about ourselves, and we call ourselves intelligent people, at least I sometimes do
We don't even know why a ball drops to the ground, there's something called gravity but we don't even know what it is, and nobody proved what it is.... there's something called gravity waves, but nobody ever proved it or measured it in any way....
Stephen Hawkings suggest that we in order to build a particle accelerator where we may get particles loaded with high enough energy to prove the Great Unified Force...that makes everything fir together..... we need a system the size of..... yes.... the diameter of the solar system; this sounds quite unpractical....
So in this world where we think we know everything and everything can be measured.... even the simplest things about physics are too hard for human to grasp
So how can we stop these things when we don't even know the simplest things about the universe
Thank God for Bruce Willis