I need some input on the supercube I and II. Was looking to add one of these bad boys to the HT and am not sure which one to go with. I read an earlier post on someone saying that they prefer the I, III and above for their durability. Says that the II was getting returned more and more where the others were not. He says he used to sell Definitive technology speakers. I certainly cannot go with a reference I supercube because my neighbors will not appreciate that. I have first hand listented to the III and I thought it was greatest sub I have experienced, a real clean controlled bass. Am I missing much by not going with the II? Any input would be appreciated.[/
I listened to the supercube II and to the sunfire HRS 8 , well , no doubt I would buy the HRS 8 , more precise and deep , and guess the price is even cheaper . However , cannot say a lot for the supercube I , but is supposed to be a wild beast ..... I will buy for my ht a sunfire HRS 12 , after many doubts about velo,deftech supercubes and sunfire indeed .. cross the fingers , as don't really know how the hrs 12 will sound in my room ....
bye from italy