DPL II vs. Logic Seven (for music)

Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
Not sure where to post this but since I'm still a newb when it comes to multichannel this seemed like a good place. Hey, it's taken me a long time to leave the 70s behind, at least audio-wise. No, I don't still own a leisure suit or polyester double knits.

Having finished my DIY Orion speakers and amps, I hooked up my "old" speakers as surrounds. My receiver is a H/K DPR 1001. I don't have a center channel yet (not sure I need one for music as my Orions have superb soundstaging with a very stable center image and uncommonly wide "sweet spot") so I guess I have a newfangled version of 70s quad! ;) Don't have or need a sub either.

Get to the point, Rip! OK, I played around with Dolby Pro Logic II Music and Logic 7 Music (the latter is proprietary of course, limited to gear produced by one of the Harman International companies). I was using 2 channel recordings I knew well.

My early impression is that DPL II is more "natural". To my ears in my (inadequate) room the Logic 7 artificially boosted the bass. The low end sounded more "plush" for want of a better word - less tight: beguiling and pleasant but ultimately unrealistic. In addition, I thought I heard some artifacts where EQ (or something) would cut or fade in and out depending on the music. I listen to a lot of classical with a wide dynamic range if that means anything.

I am interested to hear others' opinions and compare notes. Maybe I'm daft? Or maybe there are valid reasons to prefer one over the other. Maybe a given room will be more suited to one or the other? Or something?

One thing for sure: even with 2 channel recordings it beats stereo.

BTW, I gather some higher end receivers and prepros have multiple settings for both DPL II Music and Logic 7 Music but I guess I have a plebian unit with one-sound-fits-all settings.
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Republican Poster Boy
Rip the RXV 2600 I just got few weeks back has a thx select 2 setting for music. :D It does the ASA array for music. Talk about being immersed in sound, it is amazing. From what I can tell it does not alter the timbre or tone in any way. You need to create a center channel to match your fronts as well as some smaller surrounds with the same tweeter. You would have it then :)

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