down firing vs front firing



Junior Audioholic
in terms off neighbours living on top off me would they more likely to complain about a down firing sub or a front firing sub ?

like PC12-NSD - SVS

vs PB12-NSD - SVS

while at it will they sound both just as deep and loud

or are their some differences ?


Audioholic Chief
Some people feel driver orientation is irrelevant, others don't agree. I fall into the latter camp; I think there is a difference.

Based upon my experience I believe down-firing has a tendency to create a bit more of a tactile sensation, because it's firing directly at the floor. Front-firing seems to be a little more detailed and articulate. That's somewhat of a generalized statement of course, but it's pretty accurate in regards to how I feel.

However, if your neighbors are above you I'm not sure it would make a difference either way.


Junior Audioholic
tactile whats tactile ?

Anyway i like to feel the bass aka the bass waves aka the moving air etc.


Audioholic Jedi
Anyway i like to feel the bass aka the bass waves aka the moving air etc.
That would be tactile....

There is a small difference, not one that would make me choose one over the other. I've owned both types of sub and they both work well.


Junior Audioholic
That would be tactile....

There is a small difference, not one that would make me choose one over the other. I've owned both types of sub and they both work well.
is it true btw that down firing handle punches better ?
because thats the only thing i known about down firing.

Or what about moving air will i feel it with a down firing ?


Audioholic Jedi
With a good sub, it doesn't matter. When you get down to the ~40s, the sound waves are already longer than the average room. One benefit of a front firing would be that you could position the driver so that the initial wave points along the longest leg of the room more easily, but between the two you asked about, there will likely be little difference IMO.


Junior Audioholic
position is really hard already with 2 8 inch subs for me altough thats because the port is faced on the side i would't have the issue if it had a port up front or the back.

anyway i want 12 inches down firing has placement benefits for me.

Anyway i still dont get tactile meaning or do you mean testical ?


Audioholic General
Tactile: perceivable by touch or what seems apparently so

When we speak of a sub having a tactile effect we are saying that you literally FEEL the bass. It hits you in the chest, it shakes the couch, it shakes things in your house etc (things shaking isn't good if you hear them)

We love when we feel bass. It makes the source more engaging & can stir more emotions...fright, excitement etc.

If I lived above another tenant I would get the front firing sub myself. Will YOU hear a difference between the 2 versions? Most likely no. Will the people below you? Most likely yes. With the driver firing into the floor it will make a difference.

Get the front firing PB-12 NSD & put an isolation platform under it. An Auralex Subdude HD or GRAMMA will be perfect.

I used to live in an apt. One day I called my neighbor & we did a test. I played an action scene from KingKong twice. Once with the sub on the floor & once with the sub on a Subdude. My neighbor said the second time I played the scene it sounded a little further away & his wall heater didn't vibrate like it did the first scene. The second time I played the scene was with the sub on the isolation platform. They really do help a bit & is worth the $50 or so. I build my own now but even paying the money for the manufactured ones it worth it IMHO!!


Junior Audioholic
i life on bottom floor i dont got neighbours below me.

Anyway i get it now atm their is already a door in hallway thats vibrating altough i only hear it in the shower this is with 2 yamaha yst sw012

anyway what is this gravity effect how long it take for it to take effect ? and does svs have these issues asswell ?
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Audioholic Chief
Anyway i still dont get tactile meaning or do you mean testical ?
Testicle? Really?? No, that's not the same thing.

timoteo summed it up pretty much perfectly; it's a physical sensation, as opposed to an aural one. If you've ever experience WOTW Emergence Scene with a sub (or subs) that created enough presence where you actually felt like the ground was crumbling beneath you it would make perfect sense. Trust me... :D


Junior Audioholic
so should i buy the front firing or down firing ?

i got space for both
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Audioholic General
You have been given some really good, detailed information for you to use to make your own decision. We can't make that choice for you. We can make recommendations but in the end you need to make the choice that's best for you. Since your downstairs it's not going to make much if any difference in how it sounds to the tenants above you. Choose one & place it on an isolation platform.


Junior Audioholic
so wont sound or feel any different the only question if got neighbours at bottom floor or not ?

guess i go with down firing one.


Audioholic Spartan
I have an elemental designs A2-300 for sale, it's a downfiring 12" sub that gives you lots of bang for the buck. I can't ship it, but if you are anywhere near the Charlotte, NC area I'd be happy to demo it for you.


Junior Audioholic
I have an elemental designs A2-300 for sale, it's a downfiring 12" sub that gives you lots of bang for the buck. I can't ship it, but if you are anywhere near the Charlotte, NC area I'd be happy to demo it for you.
Wish i lifed in america but i life in boring europe :(

primary reason anyway to buy a new sub is for extra controls that my 2 cheap subs just lack like phase controls crossover
and most importanly to get a verry deep bass thats easy to hear but easy to tame because i need set my 2 subs quite loud to be able to hear them go deep. i think its because the volume difference are like night and day from 20hz to 40 hz
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Junior Audioholic
i just noticed -+ 3 dB respons is only from 18hz to 130 hz

would i notice that sub wont go up to 200hz with my s606 hcs3 set ?

rears are set to 80hz fronts to 60hz center to 80hz


Audioholic General
I looked up your Jamo speakers. From the specs on them I would try setting the crossover on your Mains: 80hz, Center: 100hz & Surrounds: 120hz. Try that & see if it sounds better. You may be asking the speakers to play a little lower than optimal with your current crossover points.

The ED A2-300 is a decent sub. Yes the specs do say that the upper -3dB is 100hz. All subs have an upper rolloff. With the crossover settings you'll be using you should be fine. Any decent sub can handle. Sing paired with speaker being crossed over at 120hz!! Don't everything on printed specs they can be very deceiving :)


Junior Audioholic
I looked up your Jamo speakers. From the specs on them I would try setting the crossover on your Mains: 80hz, Center: 100hz & Surrounds: 120hz. Try that & see if it sounds better. You may be asking the speakers to play a little lower than optimal with your current crossover points.

The ED A2-300 is a decent sub. Yes the specs do say that the upper -3dB is 100hz. All subs have an upper rolloff. With the crossover settings you'll be using you should be fine. Any decent sub can handle. Sing paired with speaker being crossed over at 120hz!! Don't everything on printed specs they can be very deceiving :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
The crossover settings on your subwoofer are completely unnecessary as your receiver is performing that task for you. Most receivers also have subwoofer phase adjustments built in making the phase controls on the sub duplicate (though I use mine as it is easier to screw around with than on the receiver). These considerations should be a distant second thought to sound quality upgrades when looking for your new sub.


Junior Audioholic
Dont known at all what to buy down firing or front firing.

i keep googling finding my own answers

anyway if it matters my floor is made off wood.

room dimensions are more or less 25 feet by 12 feet

is way its setup

tower center tower

rear couch at wall rear

the question atm tough that i have.

is what will sound best in my room considering the fact i got no neighbours below me.

Because i hate missing out on stuff.

the way my room looks.

m8 off mine say's down firing travels better on a wooden floor

atm i'm re considering thinking off picking the front firing sub because i known that will sound good eitherway my only worry being that down firing sub might sound better due me having a wooden floor.
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