I had a $5 discount so I decided to pick this one up and see if it was any good, since it was directed by the guy who directed The Descent which I liked. I am a Mad Max / Road Warrior fan, so this one looked interesting at the very least. I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10. It had over the top gore and a fair amount of action, however it was a bit disjointed - vastly different styles that sort of interrupted the flow and feel of the movie. I enjoyed it, as it does have some entertaining bits and a couple of good quotes, but overall it seemed to be a conglomeration of a bunch of other films rather than breaking any new ground. The story is simple action movie fare and doesn't stray far from the expected path. The tattooed chick Viper is pretty hot though... The DTS HD track is good but not outstanding and the picture quality is very good most of the time. It is a good weekend popcorn flick.