I just bought a Pioneer 1014 Receiver and am running all of my video through it. I took the Component video out from my Receiver to my HDTV's Component video in, but any video I play connected to the Receiver with composite or S-Video is not displayed. When I hooked the S-Video out from my receiver to my HDTV both composite and S-video devices showed up. My DVD player is hooked up directly to the HDTV through its HDMI port so I do not have a single Component device plugged into my Receiver to test. I am thinking that the Pioneer 1014 Receiver will only up-convert to S-Video. Although it has a component video out, perhaps only devices pluged into the Receiver with component connections use the Receivers component out? Does anyone have a 1014 and know if this is true? Pioneer does not have this model listed on their website and I have not been able to get a straight answer from the owners manual. My "digital" cable box only has composite connections and I really wanted to have Component video up-conversion for this device. I might exchange this Receiver for the Yamaha HTR-5790 which I know has Component up-conversion. Much thanks!