I called and cancelled directv yesterday, having switched to local cable.
I was informed that, by having placed a claim under their "insurance" for a new DVR when mine died last June, I had automatically agreed to a new two-year commitment to my DTV service and that it will cost me $225. to cancel service now.
Apparently I have been penalized for having utilized the "insurance" for which I had been paying monthly. According to the nice lady, this is as it should be since, she's pretty sure, this is covered in the customer service agreement. You know, the one we all studied and committed to memory when we signed up.
So now I will sell my DVR to offset the $225. commitment buy-out, which will work about the same as if I had simply gone out and bought another DVR, insurance premiums notwithstanding. As many times as I run the numbers on this deal, I can't make it sound equitable.
I want as many people as possible to know about this. To me it represents the worst in corporate sleaze.