Do I need to upgrade my receiver



I've going to upgrade my HT system, and am thinking of getting B&W FPM speakers. Guy at the store said that I need a receiver with at least 100wpc. Currently I have a Sony STR-DE545 receiver, here's the figures for the receiver:

Do I need to upgrade the receiver to drive the speakers or will the Sony suffice. If I do need to upgrade, will the Denon AVR-2805 do?

Thanks for any input.


Audioholic Samurai
hking said:
I've going to upgrade my HT system, and am thinking of getting B&W FPM speakers. Guy at the store said that I need a receiver with at least 100wpc. Currently I have a Sony STR-DE545 receiver, here's the figures for the receiver:

Do I need to upgrade the receiver to drive the speakers or will the Sony suffice. If I do need to upgrade, will the Denon AVR-2805 do?

Thanks for any input.
.....I'd say, decide first if the speakers are a certainty....if they end up following you home, try the receiver you got and see what you think....then try another receiver on a trial basis if you feel the need....brick by brick, my citizens.....


Audioholic Samurai
mulester7 said:
.....I'd say, decide first if the speakers are a certainty....if they end up following you home, try the receiver you got and see what you think....then try another receiver on a trial basis if you feel the need....brick by brick, my citizens.....
Mulester7 nailed it. I see so many posts where the question is "I just purchased xyz receiver, what speakers should I mate with it?" This is in my view is backwards. One first settles on the speakers that have the sound they want (and can afford) and then decides on the receiver/amp that best drives said speakers. When all is said one doneI think that somewhere around 60 to 70% of ones total audio budget sould go to speakers.

IMHO, YMMV yadda, yadda.



Guess I should rephrase the question. I AM getting B&W fpm's and need some suggestions on a suitable receiver. I will definetly upgrade my receiver from the Sony, as it doesn't have enough inputs right now.

Would 100wpc from the Denon 2805 do, or would the 3805 be better off. Both would be in my price range, but I would rather get the 2805 to keep costs down. I'm a novice in the equipment and need some input. I've been to a couple of stores but I feel that there recommendations are always based on what they carry, and putting down items they don't.

I've also read that we can haggle for prices, how much discount should I be looking for in these items.


Audioholic Samurai
Nick250 said:
Mulester7 nailed it. I see so many posts where the question is "I just purchased xyz receiver, what speakers should I mate with it?" This is in my view is backwards. One first settles on the speakers that have the sound they want (and can afford) and then decides on the receiver/amp that best drives said speakers. When all is said one doneI think that somewhere around 60 to 70% of ones total audio budget sould go to speakers.

IMHO, YMMV yadda, yadda.
.....absolutely for sure, Nick....5 pairs of different name-brand speakers that fall in a common price-range, are generally ALL as different sounding from each other as night and day....this is not the case with 5 receivers in a common price-range, or 5 CD players in a common price-range, and so on.... building a system from scratch, my considerations would go to establishing my speakers FIRST....then I would backfill the components demanding quality on every purchase....and I would start with the MAINS that knocked me out and thrilled me, waiting on the surrounds and center if need be....everyone wants to hit the ground running with a full system, sure, but you will end up replacing EVERYTHING, ALL TOO SOON, in most cases, and usually take it in the teeth concerning total money invested overall when you finally have the system you wanted up front....I still maintain brick by brick....

....HKing, I know Buck has the Denon 3805, and has said more than once he really loves it....the 2805 has fewer watts rms, and that alone is a good reason your speakers won't have the authority and presence you would get from the takes double the watts to increase the spl by 3 db, but any significant increase in the amount of headroom brings authority and presence, I promise....surround receivers are not my forte', (LAUGHTER EXPLOSION FROM THE FORUM), but I can speak for amplification and the effects of headroom.....
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Audioholic Samurai
hking said:
I've been to a couple of stores but I feel that their recommendations are always based on what they carry, and putting down items they don't.
.....notable quote of the century above....

.....ears, ears, ears......

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