That sub inherently band limits the output due to it's isobaric loading, but even so, the product page does suggest a shallow slope hpf. No hpf frequency cutoff is specified.
Need? perhaps not, but without the hpf you'll be more prone to hear mid-bass and lower midrange content, such as male vocals, emanating from the rose bushes (or wherever you have that sub placed/buried).
2- If so, passive or active?
Active is the better approach, performed in an amp w/ dsp capability, and also able to drive the 70v distributed setup. (You may want to further describe your setup, as 70v is more a commercial application, which folks here, like me, are less familiar with.) Alternately, since you only need a shallow slope hpf, you could simply use an f-mod line level hpf in front of your Audiosource amp (these are available at Parts Express, very cheap).
3- can you recommend an inexpensive brand/unit?
THIS is what the manufacturer sells, but there are equivalent amps available from Crown, QSC, etc. that may provide the same functions for a better price. Of course you already have an amplifier, so going this route would be far more costly than trying an f-mod.