DIYSG Volt-6 and Volt-8 Objective Reviews



Speaker of the House
Staff member
Interesting. I am sure that people at the DIY forums will crab about this, but the response is probably fine for surround duty, especially with a bit of EQ. One speaker that I measured like this was the JTR Noesis 110HT, and it measured pretty well, I will say much better than what is seen here.


Audioholic Overlord
I had been considering the 8 as an option for doing my Atmos builds. I think in usage there, these would be fine... but am surprised by the measured results... and a little disappointed. I had hoped they found a way to smooth out what seems to be a fairly common problem in the response of the Coaxials I had looked at elsewhere.

Tradeoffs... In Speakers... Who'd a thunk?


Audioholic General
Yea, the coaxial has problems. But that's not uncommon.

Though, I don't see a lot of EQ'ability here thanks to the issues starting above 5kHz (recalling from memory). The DI shifts toward omni pretty quickly and then goes in to step-stair mode above that.

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