I've seen the MBM-12 from HSU Research and I was wondering if anyone out there had experienced it and thought that it was a worthwhile addition to a system. Also, I know that we have a lot of audio engineering geniuses around here, therefore I was wondering if anyone thought that a DIY midbass module could be made. If so what driver size and is there a program which will help design an enclosure to accentuate a given frequency range (ie. 50-120hz)? Let me know what you guys think, I know you will
. Thanks in advance.
It can be a worthwhile addition if you want the low distortion dynamics. After all, in classical music, the mid bass is as high in amplitude as the bass range, if not higher, at peaks.
However, for such a device to be of high fidelity, it will have to be braced to a far greater extent than a standard subwoofer, in order to push the panel resonances well over the intended bandwidth. In addition, serious acoustical dampening materials must be used internally to prevent issues in this low frequency range. Now, assuming you have completed these two tasks, you will need two of them, as a single unit is going to cause directional problems. Now, the crossover.... the only crossovers suited to this type of multi-way splitting off the shelf are DSP crossovers. The Behringer DCX2496 is ideal. However, this assumes that you have separate main speaker amplifiers(as opposed to an integrated receiver amplifier) so that you can route the signals through the DCX2496.