DIY LCR recommendations



Junior Audioholic
Hey all,

Im ready to take on my first diy speaker building project. from what ive read, it sounds like dollar for dollar its the best value way to go, and with my decent woodworking skills and access to tools/supplies, im ready to go. my question is, which build do you think would suit me best?

Im probably 75/25 HT/Music, but am more impressed with music quality so i guess thats my priority. I like mostly classical and rock music. My equipment- Yamaha 667 pre/pro, Emotiva XPA-3 (200x3@8ohms), Dayon 15" ported sub powered by behringer proamp, and diy cat5 cables.

My room is the real trick. 20x20x8,and opens up in the rear to a stair case upstairs. The only way to really get the setup spaced out properly is in the corner of the room. The sub is in the corner, hidden by the tv/stand/gear which sits at a 45* facing a 45* couch. The L/R stand about 12 ft apart, and center listening position is about 13 ft away. Currently, that 12 ft apart leaves them only about 6" from the 45* wall behind them, and the only way i can really increase that wall distance would be to move them closer together. Currently no treatments for the room in place. Hardwood floors, big shaggy rug in front, large leather couch and chair, and big drapes guarding windows.

The sound is decent now, and a ill probably build a second sub to smooth response within a year or two, but my Ascend Sierras just cant quite fill the space, so theyre moving to my BR. Id like something more in a tower design, and am most intruiged my the Mini Statements so far, but i want to hear others opinions on what people really like. Id like to keep the kit under $1k, box costs not included.



Audioholic Samurai

Your post is probably better suited at a forum for DIY speaker builders, but perhaps you’ll bet some helpful replies.

Wayne A. Pflughaupt


Audioholic Warlord
I recommend you see this thread about DIY towers, the ER18 MTMs:

There is a suitable center speaker to go with these. Meniscus Audio sells these kits:

ER18 MTM – dome tweeter version

ER18 MTM – ribbon tweeter version

ER15 Center speaker with ribbon tweeter


Audioholic Intern
I like your diagonal setup - imo that's a great way to deal with a square room. Somtimes about 10-15 degrees off from a perfect diagonal works even better.

If you're looking for high output and a very neutral presentation, you might consider Pi Speakers. They call for larger box sizes than most people are looking for, but don't be put off by the horn - it's an extremely low-coloration horn and the designer, Wayne Parham, does excellent work.

Also take a look at the kits at DIY Sound Group. While I haven't actually heard any of their kits (unlike Wayne's designs, of which I've heard and enjoyed several), I'm using their Super-Elliptical Oblate Spheroid waveguides in several of my own designs, so obviously I like it a lot. In particular check out their Fusion line of kits.


Audioholic Overlord
There are literally an infinite number of ways to go with DIY.

These days I'm a huge fan of going active with the minidsp making it easy to do. I personally use a bi-polar design with drivers directly on the opposite sides of each other. The effect is fantastic. For my tweeter I use a ribbon, for my midrange I use a dome and I use a 5.25" paper cone for the woofer. I have a high quality sealed sub for bass.

Here is the build thread it took me 5 years to achieve my goal and I did most of the woodwork with a circular saw and straight edge. A table saw is of course much easier.


Audioholic Warlord
BrianC or anyone else

I can send you a pdf file containing all the info about the ER18 MTM speakers. It summarizes in one document all the details about the cabinets, crossovers, and includes a part list. Send me a PM with an email address, and I'll send it to you.

Meniscus Audio has a link for a shorter version of this. It includes the cabinet details, but leaves out the crossover details, as they sell all those parts in their kit.

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