Lisberian, I'm surprised... you failed to mention the absolute highest performance subwoofer driver in the world. The AudioPulse LMS Ultra drivers have the most linear motors in the world. If there is something else that matches it, I'm not yet aware. You can get 12" ULTRA LMS from Parts Express. Sound Splinter(they have AudioPulse build their drivers) has a 15" version of the LMS (non-ULTRA version), but the motor on the SS version is not as robust(lower power handling and less excursion) as the ones used on actual ULTRA LMS units so far as I can discern.
OP: Lisberian's list is very accurate. I would also recommend removing the JL W1 or any lesser than W6V2 from the list. The W6v2 is comparable to Kappa Perfect VQ in terms of motor linearity, power handling and excursion. Also, the Rythmik drivers do not provide much output in sealed cabinets; those drivers are far better suited to ported so far as their linear excursion and power handling is concerned. And don't get hyped about 'servo'. A top notch non-servo driver will exceed the performance of a good servo driver in every possible way. The main use of servo technology is to reduce the non-linearity of a driver as it enters it's non linear operating range. Well, top notch non-servo drivers have such an extraordinary linear range that this is not an issue. If you want small size, listen to Lisberian about the JL W7 8" driver. These cost about $250 from discount retailers online, and despite being 8", they will easily produce the SPL and extension of a high quality 12" driver in a rather small cabinet.