
Audioholic Intern
anyone know where i can get some help with dishnetwork people online? not literally dish network people but people who have used dish network etc...


Senior Audioholic
anyone know where i can get some help with dishnetwork people online? not literally dish network people but people who have used dish network etc...
I'm sure there are many users on this forum. I've been using Dish for > 3 years. What are your questions?


Audioholic Intern
Well. Is it even possible to record more than one show at once?


Audioholic Intern
No clue what I'm using. how would I find out :p


Senior Audioholic
On mine it says ViP 622 DVR right on the front.

I also went into the menu and then System Setup->Installation->System Info; it will display your receiver model. Note that the navigation might be a little different if you have a different model.

Does yours do HD? I think that all their HD receivers are dual tuner.


Fire away with your questions

anyone know where i can get some help with dishnetwork people online? not literally dish network people but people who have used dish network etc...
Yes I am very familiar with DishNetwork; I have 722DVR and 622DVR

Fire away with your questions and I will try to answer;)



Audioholic Intern
I aparently have a 625DVR Reciever. No it's not HD.


Yes you can record 2 at a time. The 625 is a dual standard def tuner. There are some cool new tuners from dish coming out soon. I work for dish for 6 years this jan 15th so I may be able to help out some.


Audioholic Intern
Okay, perhaps it's how they hooked it up then. We have one DVR box which is used for two tv's. TV1(mine) and TV2(parents). Do I have to get another box in ider to record more than one at a time without interferring with the channels on my parents' tv?


Senior Audioholic
Okay, perhaps it's how they hooked it up then. We have one DVR box which is used for two tv's. TV1(mine) and TV2(parents). Do I have to get another box in ider to record more than one at a time without interferring with the channels on my parents' tv?
No. You should be able to record two things right off the bat. Tell us -- what happens if you go to the guide, go half an hour into the future and tell it to record something. Allow it to set that up and then do the same thing -- tell it to record something else half an hour into the future. I would expect it to show -- in the guide -- that you will record one to tuner 1 and the other to tuner 2. This will be shown by a "1" or a "2" on the relevant channel in a red (or maybe it's blue, I can't remember) circle. That tells you which tuner is being used to record.

Once they are recorded, they can be played back at either TV.


Audioholic Intern
Yes it does that... Unfortunately I'm not going to get what i want it to do unless I buy another reciever. I'm wanting to record two things at the same times but not interfeer with my parent's tv. But as I see how u explained it it won't be possible without another reciever.


Senior Audioholic
Yes, in that case, they will be forced to watch what is being recorded on "tuner 2". However, they have the option of watching something that's already been recorded at the same time, regardless of what's being recorded on "tuner 1" or "tuner 2".

For them to watch something independent all the time, they will have to have their own receiver. I would encourage them to stack their shows on the DVR and then watch recordings later. They also don't have to watch commercials that way.


Some DisNetwork DVR info

Well. Is it even possible to record more than one show at once?
Bascially either the 722 or 622 can record two shows. the receiver can be defined as TV1 and TV2 for two separate TVs or both can be defined to one TV and you can do PIP and some other stuff.

But you can record one (e.g. TV2) and watch one (e.g. TV1).

Whe you are watching with DVR is automatically temporarily records and has a one hour window. Meaning you can be watching something and pause it for up to one hour and then contine where you left off.

While you are watching you can also press the record button and it records the rest of the show you are watching.

Now, one really cool feature is if you set the DVR to record a progam becuase you want to see it later and then you come in say 15 minutes ( or any amount of time after it staets) and the show is still recording. You can go back to the start and start watching it while it is still recroding the rest of it.

Only bad thing about dish 622 or 722 you can only have two picture streams concurrently, only one of which can be HD. Meaning if you are watching one show you can only be recording one other diffrent show. You can be watching the show you are recording though.

I remember cable (low quality PQ as it were) you could record and watch completley independent. The same is true with fiber optics AT&T's uVerse . you can record up to 4 different shows simutaneoously ( only one HD)

If you have the single DVR records 612. You only have one picture stream and you can record what you are watching only.

The 625 DCR is new and says: "The DISH Player-DVR 625 has two tuners to support two televisions, providing the unique ability to record two shows simultaneously while watching a third recorded program. In addition, you can view separate programming on two televisions." There also appears to be a similar new 522 that has 2 tuners. And if you wait just a little whie they are coming out with a 922 http://www.engadgethd.com/2009/01/09/dish-network-vip-922-hd-dvr-hands-on-and-video/

As far as archiving recorded shows , you can attach an external hard drive ( 40 gB to 750 gB as specificed by DishNetwork although some people say that 1 TB will work; when I asked Dish they said no) and you can transfer recorded shows to the hard drive. it takes about 7 minute per hour of HD recording to transfer, but you can watch TY while transferring. Once transferred you can play the show directly off of the hard drive. There is a one time charge of $39.99 to activate hard drive USB attachment option and the cost is per account so if you have two DVRs there is only one charge.
I am still trying to detrmine the capacity of 750gB but it appears to be about 470 hours SD or 70 hours HD. HD is a little over 10gB per recroded hour and SD is about 1.5 gB per recorded hour

Record On!


Update on Plasma. I check prewiring last night in the front wall there were four 4-wire blue sheath cables up front and 2 4-wire blue shetah cables and one black RG75 in the back of the room. So I take out my wire stripper, my test jumper clips and my volt ohm meter. I have red, green,back , white wires so I decide to use white and black in one of the blue sheathed cables. Stip the black and white and connect via test alligator cli jumper cable. Go to the front and pick one of the four blue sheath and also strip white and black. Test with Volt-Ohmn and Volilla hit the right wire pair the first time. Now that is luck. So bottom line, that means I can relocate SVS sub to the back of the room and that means a wider ( 70") Tv table will fit in front with the 7002s at each and which means a 60" plasma will work :) later I will drill hole in wall plate and connect RCA plugs to front and back wall.


Sorry busy reasearching and typing

Sorry busy reasearching and typing while you were conversing with Ottomatic. It looks like he already answered a lot of your questions.



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