There is a single D/A chip in most CD players and DVD players and is included at a very low cost to the consumer. The analog outputs allow for the greatest possible number of users of that single product. Especially seeing as how the majority of the public still only uses a stand alone TV and a DVD player hooked up to it, then the DVD player is required to do the signal decoding.
Now, in a good surround setup, you may not need analog audio... But, if someone decides they want zone 2 audio, then they must hook it up via the analog inputs. Once again, an extra burden on the consumer if those aren't already included and a reason to look at another vendors product.
I would never, ever buy a product without analog outputs and digital outputs. I always use the digital to run my main surround zone, by my other 10 zones of stereo throughout my home depend on those analog connections for great sound.