Digital is digital
5.1 DTS guy said:
Hi, I was wondering if i'm really missing out since my dvd player (panasonic s29) only has a coax audio out (no optical). Is the difference between coax and optical worth it for me to somehow exchange my dvd player (although probably too late)? Also, is there any difference when manufactures call it fiber optic oppose to optical? Thanks for any help.
(Well, I am new here, so maybe one of the experts can correct or clarify, but I think the following is correct).
When you say "coax", I assume you mean digital coax (with an RCA-like connector and an orange center). Optical and fiber optic are the same -- they beam pulses of light down thin glass fibers to transmit a signal. Coax or optical, both are digital, so assuming the full signal from the device makes it from one end to the other, they are identical. Theoretically, the coax being copper could lose some signal during transmission, but unless you're making a 20 foot run or something, I can't believe th4ere's a real difference between the two.