"Digital Audio 2000 Denmark Image 600SL" White van scam floorstanding speakers

Darth Mike

Darth Mike

"Digital Audio 2000 Denmark Image 600SL" White van scam floorstanding speakers (pics)

I have a friend who used to live in Atlanta and he called me one day and said he was putting together a surround sound system again.... I asked him why he wanted to get back into HT when he had quit messing with it for a good while... He said, " I got this badass pair of tower speakers that are worth like $1500 for dirt cheap". So I'm thinking "damn, lucky SOB" while I sit here wishing I never sold my old Infinity bookshelfs and wasn't stuck with garbage KLH floorstanders.

Then a month later he needed cash, he got kicked out of his apartment in ATL and was moving back here to FL, he asked me if I was still into HT, ofcourse I replied "YES"... So I agree to help him get back to FL by purchasing his system for a couple hundred bucks...

When he got back and brought me my "system" I find that my front speakers, the $1500 "killer deal" speakers were... "DigiTal AuDio Denmark Image 600SL" white van scam junkers.... WOW these things bring new meaning to the word SUCKS! So I figure I'll give them a good honest review (albeit laced with sarcasm) to let unknowing folks know just how cheap these junkers are.

Build quality and design:

*Please forgive the poor quality images as my camera sucks just as bad as these speakers do so I feel it will express thier quality accurately.*

Note the sweet crossover design with high end "crappy brand" components and 22GA wire leads 8 ohm listed impedance and set up for 16 ohm due to single woofer section of the crossover and dual woofers, the 10 inch "subwoofer" is not even filtered and just has a jumper wire run to it from the input.

Also please take note of the simple yet elegant marred and wrinkled "real wood" black vynil vaneer with built in scratches, and solid 1/2 inch clapboard construction with lightwieght screws and no bracing to save wieght and not interfere with sweet sounding standing waves. Take notice to the superb surface mounted woofers as not to take away from detailed and translucent diffraction, and the "SOLID STAINLESS STEEL" plated grille bars sturdily attached by four small screws as not to take away from ear pleasing ringing and vibration. Also, the sealed portion of the enclosure housing the 8" woofers is not sealed so this is a very inefficient speaker capable of making even the best amplifiers burn up and sound like trash.

Feast your eyes upon the MASSIVE sidefiring 10" ported "Subwoofer" that mostly provides midrange enforcement and alot of various banging noises and vibration at high volumes. But provides no actual bass output as not to disturb the nieghbors. When the awesome boxy sounding midbass is too much for you just pull out the convienient thin wall plastic removable bass port to radiate those chest thumping vibrations elsewhere.

Here are the awesome bi-ampable binding posts that are "Solid Fake Gold" plated and come pre-tarnished as not to get the owner's expectations up in terms of durability. Also, a cutting edge feature not part of most of most available loudspeakers yet, the bottom post for the "subwoofer" is non functional and you actually hook a second amp to that terminal but you leave it unplugged from the wall to save power, the "subwoofer" is wired in to the top terminal anyways. Also notice the friend impressing ambiguously over rated fake power figure of 350 watts nominal input.

Don't fret if you hate these speakers, you can just throw them away or use them as boat anchors as they have no return policy.

Listening session results:

These are quite possibly the worst sounding set of floorstanding speakers I have owned, and I have had some real piles of crap.

Dave Matthews Band - Gravedigger: I think this song is appropriate for these speakers since the title says it all when it comes to what you are doing with your disposable income if you buy these hunks of junk. The song starts out with an acoustic guitar and usually it is supposed to sound clear and crisp, on good systems you can even hear Dave's fingers on the strings as he moves them along the frets of the guitar, these speakers faithfully reproduced none of that, and during the louder portions of this section of the song there was a nasty vibration from inside the box somewhere. There are some excellent parts of this song to hear a speakers dynamic capabilities in the upper ranges, the vocal's go from loud to soft and fast to slow and the instrumentals do as well several times during the song, all I hear is muffled muddy guitar and squeeky male vocals, hell I can't even hear the violin... All in all after listening to this song you know what to do with these speakers.... Dig thier grave... or else you will want to dig your own to get away from them.

Brad Paisley Ft. Allison Krauss - Whiskey Lullaby: I think during my time listening to this song on these that I wanted to have a bottle of whiskey... to crack myself over the head with and put myself out of the misery of the murder of the bass drum and Allison's high but mellow voice. I can't think of another system that made her sound more shrill and make Brad sound more nasal. From what was left of a very cool drum hit every once in a while in the song, it sounded like the person not singing kept dropping the microphone or bumping it into their face.

Kodo - Taiko Drumming: Please, lets not even go there, wow I never thought bass down to below human hearing levels could sound so shallow!

So to sum it all up, don't buy these speakers. Heck, don't listen to these or even LOOK at these speakers, or you will just end up with an empty wallet and a head ache the size of the Taiko drum.

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Audioholic Intern

That has to be one of the funniest posts I have ever read. I especially liked the part about of the microphone.
I will definately stay away from anything that comes in a white van, or whatever color, for that matter.:D
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

I'm glad at least SOMEONE replied, and I'm also equally happy you thought it was funny, although I didn't fudge the truth at all to make it that way. These speakers truly are pathetic, and very inneficient as well. I had them as fronts for a small while before I new what they were and they were so innefficient I had to turn my reciever over 3/4 volume and turn my center to -3 and rears to -7 in order to ballence the sound yet attain sufficient volume.

Lol...If anyone wants them to audition how bad they are, even with new wires/boston HD7 x-overs/resealed/polyfill/longer screws/functional bi-amping, just pay shipping I'l give 'em to folks who think that I'm being harsh on them!


See, you made two BIG mistakes.
1) You didn't let the speakers properly break in.
2) You didn't hook them up with expensive speaker wires in a bi-wired configuration.

Just kiddin' :D

Hey, when the drivers catch fire you can use the grill to cook hotdogs.


Senior Audioholic
LOL, I like the fake aluminum woofers....aluminized poly has to be the single most obvious mark of a crap speaker ever.

I was half tempted to get some of those white van "DJ" speakers off ebay to play with for a while. At the least I have something I can use when my cousin comes to visit, so he doesn't blow out my Ref 0.5 pair, like he did to my Sansui SP-35.

You can't imagine how hard it is to get woofers for those things, let alone ones with the aluminum dust caps unmolested....I wanted to find a trebuchet large enough to lauch him into the middle of the lake for that.
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

majorloser said:
See, you made two BIG mistakes.
1) You didn't let the speakers properly break in.
2) You didn't hook them up with expensive speaker wires in a bi-wired configuration.

Just kiddin' :D

Hey, when the drivers catch fire you can use the grill to cook hotdogs.
I may test that cookout theory...

mustang_steve said:
LOL, I like the fake aluminum woofers....aluminized poly has to be the single most obvious mark of a crap speaker ever.
Yeah, it is extremly cheap quality too, it will rub off with your finger.


Full Audioholic
I think we shouldnt consider this a proper review.
It was very subjective, and opinionated, with no real world measurements.


Anyways, I'm very tempted to pay for shipping to send them to Clint for a proper review. They might be the 1st speaker to ever get a negative rating.
That is, if they even decided to invest their limited time into reviewing crap. They might just decided to toss them into a 50gallon drum with gasoline, and lite them on fire.

Darth Mike

Darth Mike

Reorx said:
I think we shouldnt consider this a proper review.
It was very subjective, and opinionated, with no real world measurements.


Anyways, I'm very tempted to pay for shipping to send them to Clint for a proper review. They might be the 1st speaker to ever get a negative rating.
That is, if they even decided to invest their limited time into reviewing crap. They might just decided to toss them into a 50gallon drum with gasoline, and lite them on fire.

I'm not fortunate enough to be able to afford the equipment to properly review a set of speakers, I realize that. Had I the means to review these speakers properly I would have though, and I would love to colaborate with someone higher in the hierarchy here at audioholics and make some sort of article about "white van scam" speakers. Since there is so little out there about the actual product the scammers sell, a review would be a useful piece of info to many people. Maybe if folks saw just what they'd get from the back of the Ford Econoline, they would be more cautious about giving in to the "salesmen" who peddle these cracker jack pieces of trash.

My writing was by no means to be taken as a serious review, or as advice to decide whether or not these white van specials are in fact as half assed and cheap as most folks who get suckered into buying them say they are. My "review" was nothing more than just a loose, informal guidline pointing in that aforementioned direction. I believe as enthusiasts of our hobby we already know that these speakers aren't high value audiophile masterpieces. I just wanted to elaborate a wee bit and write something other than what I've found thus far when searching for info on these speakers, which is nothing more than a bunch of folks repeating "I got scamed".

What I wrote may be biased, but it does truly represent my expieriences with these speakers.


Full Audioholic
I don't know why, but these "white van" speakers have always interested me. The first ones I ever saw were at some guys house where a friend and I went to look at puppies (I passed on the pups). This must have been close to 30 years ago.

He had these two towers playing away, and they sounded horrible. He went out of the room to bring in mom and the pups, and I looked closely at the tweeters and they were stickers or decals! He came back in, and my friend, who is a real "character", starts saying how good those "awesome" speakers sounded, where did he get them, etc. The guy tells us the usual story about white van speakers, and how he got the great deal, etc. I started laughing, but pretended it was just something the pups did, and not the speakers. :D


Full Audioholic
I dunno-I think sales would take off if the van owner stenciled "Bose" on the sides of the van. :D
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

audiofox said:
I dunno-I think sales would take off if the van owner stenciled "Bose" on the sides of the van. :D
Then they'd actually be doing something illegal, as of now all they do take money from stupid people, which is perfectly legal, bose has done it for years...:D
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

Buckeyefan 1 said:
Anyone know if these are "white van" speakers, or legit? I'm reading they are mfg'd by Heco which is owned by Audiovox, and possibly assembled in Germany. $119 each. A guy from AVS is arguing they are the real deal. I'm skeptical.

While I doubt Advent branded speakers are white van material, they have decreased in quality over the years...

algogo-com said:
Algogo.com - online electronics store with cheap price!
:D http://www.algogo.com
Say what? Trollgogo.com? I spy a scammer! That website your username consists of doesn't even work! Great first post... I'll bet that "Cheap Price" is actually a model of speakers... I can see it now...

"Cheap Price Digital Theatre 3D Scamspeak 900000 Super Mega Theater Speakers"
9k watts RMS one million max
64dB sensitivity @ 3kW/6 inches from speaker
700hz-8khz full spectrum frequency response
26 cheap 4" OEM fullrange speakers featuring notebook paper cones and elmer's school glue surrounds
no tweeters or crossovers for pure "audiophile quality point source" sound
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Full Audioholic
Darth Mike said:
"Cheap Price Digital Theatre 3D Scamspeak 900000 Super Mega Theater Speakers"
9k watts RMS one million max
64dB sensitivity @ 3kW/6 inches from speaker
700hz-8khz full spectrum frequency response
26 cheap 4" OEM fullrange speakers featuring notebook paper cones and elmer's school glue surrounds
no tweeters or crossovers for pure "audiophile quality point source" sound
Now that is my kind of speaker :D Where can I find them? I love the sensitivity, those must be awesome.
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

:D If 64dB is all they could push out with 3000watts of power at 6'' away, I don't think I ever want to hear them lol...


Full Audioholic
Yeah well it's pretty impressive when you have 2 (1 x 10^6)Watt monoblocks!! Just messin':D
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

Wow, lol I wish I just had an electrical socket capable of handling a true 2 million watt amp.:rolleyes:


are these speaker's a scam

im just wondering if anybody know's anything about these speakers the front lable say's applause and the only thing i can find is 300watts rms 92 db sencitivity professional loud speaker box speakers made in denmark are they a scam? they are black with 2 x 8 inch drivers and square tweeter and has a glass top im not to shure how to put up a pic......sorry

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