Ok guys, thanx a lot for the answers....
I've been doing some research and I found out some interesting things:
1) The denon 3082 doesn't allow crossover freq below 80Hz, FOr a 2 channel (with sub) listening I think the BW DM 603 can go to 60 Hz so I can send 60 Hz at least and below to the sub: Of course I have to test wich setting would be best, but I have this kind of set up in my stereo Hifi with BWDM604 and a Rel Strata III sub. I just think that for 2 channel listenning, its better to have as much bass as you can in the main speakers if they are good enough.
2) The yamaha doesn't allow to use the sub in the pure direct mode, that's something I don't like being the BW sub musical enough to improve a 2 channel listening. It does have though a stereo mode that uses the sub but goes through the equalizers, that's something i can live with but I prefer to avoid.
Any opinions on the onkyos? They are not very popular in this forum, aren't they good?
The receiver that seems to gather all the things I'm looking for is the denon 2805( 1000 E), with hass corssover from 40 Hz, auto-setup, anf uses sub in pure direct mode.... The store Im going to buy the suff told me they had the denon 3805 and not the 2805..but I guess I can puss them to bring the 2805.
The thing is that its a home-theater for my mum so I prefer to buy everything in a single physical store and forget about it...
Concerning the manual set up...well I dont have a SPL meter and never did it before..so I guess I could figure it out but I prefer the machine to do it itself

Concerning the sub.. well, The store doesn't bring velody,HSU and SVS, its in Spain and its not so easy to find all the makes..

anyways what I want is a good sub for movies but also music, thats why I chose BW... thinking that a sealed sub like the AWS600 or ASW650 coud be quick and musical and also have enough puch for movies.....
Anyways..ill go and listen to them once they bring the BW 603 to the sotre...but probably if they cannont get me the Denon 2805..I guess the yammie could be the one..not sure yet though..any other suggestion or opinions?