DENONn AVR-3802 Vs ONKYO Vs YAMAHA Help!!!!!



Hi, I am considering buying a HT equipment, I allready know the speakers ( B&W DM603,600, LCR60 and a asw650 sub) and the dvd player (ONKYO 502), but i have to make a decision on the AV receiver.
In the store i go in Spain that's what i can get:

ONKYO TX-SR-602E---659 Euros
ONKYO TX-SR-702E 1025 E
yamaha rx V 1500---889 E
yamaha rx V 2500 ---1099 E
Denon AVR AVR-3802---699 E

The denon is a last-year model and its half priced, I guess it is the best deal thinking about power and so..but i am concerned about the lack of any auto-set up capabilities such as YPAO on the yammies. the onkyos have some equivalent feature also.

The use of the equipment will be movies and music also.

Wich AV receiver you recommend?????????????

Thanx in advance :)


Audioholic Spartan
This is just an opinion, you should trust your ears. Looks to me like the Denon will be your flavor of the day! ;)


Full Audioholic
I am using an older onkyo txnr900 but the 7.1 inputs combined with the dv-cp802b in surround sacd. Very nice! :D I was a single disc only person and hesitant to try this unit but it seems very solid the change time in not as long as I thought it would be and the convience of having 6 discs avail is really growing on me. It took the denon2910 ,I tested at home for about a week, longer to load and play a disc than this unit takes to change to a diffenent one and play. I am not saying denon is a bad player just this one works good for me. If you were looking at onk website you will see the discontinued version of the 800 which was thx cert. Onk told me the 802 is using the same internals as that unit with no cert and a changer case. Just need to make sure what you are lookin at in an AV has 7.1 inputs. Happy shopping. :cool:


Audioholic Intern
I have an Onkyo TX-SR701 with B&W 700 series speakers (705, HTM7, DS7) and a B&W ASW 650 subwoofer. The Onkyo works fine. If your room is large or you like to play music/movies loud, you might want more power than the Onkyo or you could add an amplifier later if you wish. Also, I would suggest looking for a different subwoofer. Many people on these forums like Velodyne, HSU, and SVS. These other brands seem to have better value than B&W subwoofers. The subwoofer I have is okay and it works and perhaps it is not optimally placed in the room, but from what others post on these forums, Velodyne, HSU, SVS subwoofers are probably a better value.


Full Audioholic
I am actually running 2 velodyne cht 15 and i have all bi amped with m282's


Ok guys, thanx a lot for the answers....
I've been doing some research and I found out some interesting things:

1) The denon 3082 doesn't allow crossover freq below 80Hz, FOr a 2 channel (with sub) listening I think the BW DM 603 can go to 60 Hz so I can send 60 Hz at least and below to the sub: Of course I have to test wich setting would be best, but I have this kind of set up in my stereo Hifi with BWDM604 and a Rel Strata III sub. I just think that for 2 channel listenning, its better to have as much bass as you can in the main speakers if they are good enough.
2) The yamaha doesn't allow to use the sub in the pure direct mode, that's something I don't like being the BW sub musical enough to improve a 2 channel listening. It does have though a stereo mode that uses the sub but goes through the equalizers, that's something i can live with but I prefer to avoid.
Any opinions on the onkyos? They are not very popular in this forum, aren't they good?
The receiver that seems to gather all the things I'm looking for is the denon 2805( 1000 E), with hass corssover from 40 Hz, auto-setup, anf uses sub in pure direct mode.... The store Im going to buy the suff told me they had the denon 3805 and not the 2805..but I guess I can puss them to bring the 2805.
The thing is that its a home-theater for my mum so I prefer to buy everything in a single physical store and forget about it...

Concerning the manual set up...well I dont have a SPL meter and never did it I guess I could figure it out but I prefer the machine to do it itself :)
Concerning the sub.. well, The store doesn't bring velody,HSU and SVS, its in Spain and its not so easy to find all the makes..;) anyways what I want is a good sub for movies but also music, thats why I chose BW... thinking that a sealed sub like the AWS600 or ASW650 coud be quick and musical and also have enough puch for movies.....
Anyways..ill go and listen to them once they bring the BW 603 to the sotre...but probably if they cannont get me the Denon 2805..I guess the yammie could be the one..not sure yet though..any other suggestion or opinions? :)


mm sorry, Opinions on the onkyo is just what I have in the second answer :)))) anyways, the room is about 20 m^2.....


Audioholic General
I have read nothing bad about the x00 and x01 series of Onkyo's, and they are probably the best set up to deal with computer-based music. The newer x02's have been reported to be a little on the unreliable side. Of course, that makes saving bucks on the now-discontinued 01's that much sweeter. ;)


Audioholic Intern
There is a way to work around the no subwoofer in pure-direct mode issue if you are only using one source player, e.g. a universal player like Denon DVD-2910 or 3910. You could connect the subwoofer directly to the player and do not connect the subwoofer to the receiver. If all you plan to do is watch DVDs and listen to CDs, a universal player connected to a multichannel amp might be another option for you. I'm not sure if pure-direct is that much of a difference from regular stereo though. When I use my 3910 and TX-SR701 I'm not sure I can hear a difference between pure-direct mode and stereo or multichannel mode. The 701 does not output to subwoofer in pure-direct mode using optical connection, but with analog multichannel connections, there is an option in the 3910 called "bass enhancer" that outputs to the subwoofer. I have the subwoofer connected to the receiver with subwoofer cable and the receiver connected to the 3910 with six cheapie analog cables and I get subwoofer output in pre-direct mode.


Full Audioholic
Im not sure if it is a option my 900 has that the 701 does not but i have a menu option to turn on the sub in any mode it is in the set up options easier through the osd in advanced mode. also in multichannel input from the dvd if you push the surr button on the remote i can use the tone adjustments in the reciever to use bass gain if needed etc.

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