Denon vs Yamaha Receiver/DVD- need help



I have been researching receiver/dvd combos for a while andhave narrowed my list to these 2 pairs:

- Denon 3806 receiver w/Denon 3910 dvd
- Yamaha 5990 receiver w/Yamaha s2500 dvd

On paper, these combos seem fairly comparible but I was wondering if anyone out there had any real world input.

Fwiw, the Yamaha pair costs about $600 +/- less.

Thanks in advance!
Clueless new guy


Audioholic Overlord
Well, my pragmatic take would be this.

Since your choice of speakers and their placement in the room has such a tremendous contribution to the overall sound it would render the receiver/DVD's contribution to it pretty moot. Unless there are some features on the more expensive combo you simply can't live without, I'd opt for the less expensive of the two.

...and I own a Denon!


Audioholic Chief
Here's my 2 cents.
They are both very good combinations, but IMO the 3806 is a better than the 5990.
The looks alone of the 3806 to me are much better.


Full Audioholic
It seems to me that the Yamaha RX-V2600 is more of a competitor to the avr-3806 than the HTR is. I don't know if you have considered that receiver or not. even with the 2600 as the receiver, the Yamaha should still be less expensive.



This is a harder decision than I thought...

On one hand it looks like the Yamaha does upconversion to hdmi whereas I do not see that feature on the Denon.

On the other hand, I don't see iLink on the Yamaha whereas I can use DenonLink on the 3806.

Hmmmm :confused:

Well when playing DVDs, I shouldn't need upconversion if both the receiver and dvd are HDMI.

If I have satellite as my other source, are there satellite tuners that do conversion to HDMI? I know that if you get the normal freebee units from the satellite providers, they typically have s-video outputs. But can you get a 3rd party tuner that would provide that conversion to HDMI?

And if so, would there be any need for that feature on the av receiver?

On that topic, does Denon or Yamaha offer a DVD/DVR player that has a satellite tuner in it?

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