I'm looking for a simple yet good quality solution to play CD's as well as "dematerialized" music (mostly FLAC), and if the same unit is able to play movies as well it's even better. I have an opportunity to buy this unit used for 600€ : would it be a good choice, considering I currently have a Cambridge 540R v2 6.1 amplifier, a Harman/Kardon HD970 CD player (very good reputation for its price level – and I bought it used for 100€ – but quite picky when it comes to CD quality) and an entry level Marantz DVD player, all connected to a set of 5 JMLab Chorus speakers and a Sidney AR12 subwoofer ? Is it true that it takes a long time before it actually reads an audio CD ? What other similar solutions could you suggest ? Is it on the same league, sound quality wise, as, say, an Arcam Solo at least ? (I read a not so enthusiastic review on TechRadar, saying that for the same price buying separate Denon devices would provide much better quality.) I'm quite open, I could go for an all-in-one or separates, a strictly stereo system to complete my current multichannel setup or a better multichannel one to replace it, I even considered active speakers (like the Dynaudio BM6) directly connected to my computer, or through a DAC. The ability to use two channels in stereo in another room (apparently a rarity) is a great plus for me.