Like others on this forum I am some what annoyed at Denon's approach to upgrades post the KAVC-A1SE offering. I now have two machines that are now not fully digitally connectable as I can not use the Dlink for SACD and the AVC is not firewire enabled.
This is a quote from the K upgrade "IEEE 1394 Firewire prepared DSP section, for future upgrade"; what upgrade ? And what the hell has happened to the supposed offering of the upgrade to the A1SRA ? Dare I mention SACD over the Dlink.
Note: The American site has made its upgrade section serial number dependent so one can not just Look And See, hiding all the upgrades from prying eyes.
The A11 has turned out to be a stop gap with the release of the XV. Mr. Denon how about the option of HDMI on the A11. I'd be happy with anything that shows commitment to prior customers.
I have spent a lot of money on the understanding that future technology and formats would be made available.