I just ordered the Denon 1910 DVD Player, I just got a Hitachi 57T500 HDTV. I tryed to connect my old Mit. DD-1000 dvd player, to my Denon 684 A/V Receiver, I got the Picture to show on the TV but no sound, the old player has PCM/AC-3 Digital coax connection and the Denon had something I thought was the same, it says DVD/VDP connections and a Coax plug-in with them,. I did get the DVD Player to work connected to the TV in analog sound it sounded like crap tho.
Well anyway am I going to have the same problem with the New Denon DVD Player? There is no one within 40 miles to get to come to our house to set this stuff up and they want 100$ just to come here then so much per hour to connect it, and they don't garentee it will be correct. lol

The stupid HDTV dosen't even tell how to connect the A/V receiver to it, I couldn't believe that...