Analog 5.1 & high volume at -80db
>> To MDS:
That's right: at -80db the volume was too high and there was no way to reduce the level (but it could go higher starting at the 0db region
>> To NomoSony
Actually, I unplugged everything and started again. I connected the DVD player to the receiver by means of an optical cable. This solved the problem
: now everything is working fine with the DVD player. It reads DVD-A, DVD-V, CD and SACD in CD mode
Then I trying to have the player read SACDs in SACD mode, aware of the fact that the 5.1 connectors should be used for that. When the first DVD 5.1 outputs to the receiver (front speakers that was), the problem instantly came back: too much volume. I unplugged the connectors and everything was fine again
I now located the origin of the problem just to find myself confronted with a new one
: how to listen to SACDs in SACD mode? I'll check forums and the Internet to find out and I already saw that this topic has been posted many times (but not with the volume problem that I describe).
One last thing about the fact that I became a "Denon guy"... after many years of listening to my old Technics stuff, I never had to complain: this was built to last. But it doesn't sound very good and moreover, I wanted to enter the multichannel world. Next step will probalby be an new TV.
I'm not a Denon fanatic, I just found that it was the best price/value relationship and there are many positive reviews. I must admit that my Denon gear looks not as well built as my Technics stuff. Not sure that it'll last as long (my 17-years Technics CD player still works fine). I'm still listening to every negative opinion on Denon, especially those who provide argumented comments on this stuff. I can't say that the gear completely "floored" me yet when I installed it.
Denon DVD-1920 (DVD player)
Denon AVR-2106 (receiver)
Axiom M3ti (front speakers)
Axiom QS4 (surround spearkers)
Technics SB-95CS (back surround speakers)