Where can I post an issue that I have with my Denon receiver?
My receiver suddenly stopped working (the sound/display) after a sudden and unexpected surge in volume!! I had to run downstairs to turn it down so not to freak my neighbors out. I was just watching a U-tube video before that, and everything was fine - so I don't know what I did?
It turns on, but the sound and display (showing my various peripherals attached to it) has disappeared. Everything I have goes through this receiver, so it has been pretty distressing.
I tried to 'reset' it per instruction online - didn't work. Someone suggested it could be a fuse, which I've been looking to find online - but I can't find the fuse anywhere! First I need the type of fuse I would need. I have a tech person who is willing to open it up to put it in and hopefully get it started again.
I just know there is a direct correlation between the VERY loud sound and the subsequent dysfunction of my reciever.
I'd appreciate your help. Thank you