...hello m8s, I've successfully bi-amped my Maggies MG1.6 exactely like "stated" in the review-article of Clint DeBoer
and the result until now is excellent...but I still have to experience a lot because I only got my Denon 2 days ago.
But yet one question come into my mind: in the AudioHolics review the Manual Setup is clearly prefered to the Auto one with the Denon mic included; are there some strict tecnical reasons why ? Could I safely try anyway the AutoEq and AutoSetup just to listen to the results ?
I add to this that I've followed the connections and setup procedure strictly as in the Clint DeBoer article without any problem (until now), and that 4 the moment I only use the 2 Magnepan and a central channel given by my Sony plasma speakers...2 surround Bose satellites 4 back effects are on the way, but so actually I use the system as a 3.0 one (no subwoofer).
Tnx 4 the answers in advance.
Peppe from Italy.