Denon AVR 3311ci. Zone 2 with sub (wireless) connectivity help needed...



Hey guys, I need A little help. Im working on a small project installing two speakers and a jam up subwoofer on the patio. Now i own denon avr 3311ci which i plan to use the zone 2 to connect. So far the 2 speakers are up and running perfectly... Here's the million dollar problem : the sub (definitive technology sc8000) will be connected wirelessly to zone 2 as well. But how the freak do i get this to work...??? I see no option on the speaker setup and zone 2 doesnt show a subwoofer option, even Denon Reps told me straight out "NO" It cant be done. "Fudge" what do I do. Party is this Saturday.

After talking to many audioholics at my local stores some say it can be done and i refuse to take no for an answer..... This party must go on.... Help.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Well It cannot be done wirelessly. The sub has high level speaker connections that you could run through the sub on the way to the speakers. That would be the easiest way and get you going for the party.


Audioholic General
If you're playing the same source through both zones, put a Y cable on your sub out and connect your wireless to one of the leads and connect sub cable to your wired sub. Should work afaik.
cheers, Mac


Oh that hurts... spoken like a true Diplomat.. Lol, But thanks. Ive never tried the high level speaker connections. Could you please elaborate a little More on steps to do this. This may be the only to save this party.


Unfortunately,,, not the same source. Dam... One would think with all the technolohy out there, this should be a piece of cake.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Well I will say def tech's connection method is interesting. To use the high level inputs you will need to run a pair of speaker wires directly from the receiver to the sub. Usually there is a pair of in and out binding posts but yours only has inputs. Page 9 of your manual.


MONEY....! it freakin works and very precise too. Shoot, Now im wondring what if i want to add another SC8000..???

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