Hey guys, I need A little help. Im working on a small project installing two speakers and a jam up subwoofer on the patio. Now i own denon avr 3311ci which i plan to use the zone 2 to connect. So far the 2 speakers are up and running perfectly... Here's the million dollar problem : the sub (definitive technology sc8000) will be connected wirelessly to zone 2 as well. But how the freak do i get this to work...??? I see no option on the speaker setup and zone 2 doesnt show a subwoofer option, even Denon Reps told me straight out "NO" It cant be done. "Fudge" what do I do. Party is this Saturday. After talking to many audioholics at my local stores some say it can be done and i refuse to take no for an answer..... This party must go on.... Help.