The receiver has to finish all of its initialization and get ready before it will accept IR commands. This is true of all devices but 5 seconds does seem a bit excessive - usually it is the TV that takes awhile before it will accept IR commands.
The way to workaround it is to use delays (if your remote/automation system allows you to program them) or change the sequence of power up of the devices in the system. As an example, my old tv would take 2-3 seconds before it would accept IR, so my power on macro that included changing the tv input had to be programmed as follows:
- Turn the TV on first
- Turn on the cable box
- Turn on the receiver
- Lastly, send the TV input change command. Sending it last gave the tv the time to get ready while the other devices were turning on.
You may have to arrange it so that the receiver turns on first but no receiver IR commands are sent until everything else is up and running.