Denon 5803 vs Marantz 9300 vs Pioneer Elite 49txi



<font color='#000000'>I'm considering these 3 receivers and intend to pair the chosen one with the same model flagship universal DVD. &nbsp;Speakers are M&amp;K S-150s wirh MX350 sub. &nbsp;The Denon reviews well but costs ~$1000 more than the others. &nbsp;I can't locate any AH reviews on the others.

Your opinions would be welcome. My ears will finally decide but I live in a small town without an audiophile store so I try to do as much research as possible first.</font>


Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>If you are musicaly biased, then my choice would be for the Marantz, otherwise Denon and Pioneer are good choices but between the two, I would go with the Denon.</font>


<font color='#000000'>I haven't heard the Marantz, but I did compare the Denon with the 49txi. I have Klipsch reference all the way around and the elite just sounded so much better. The Denon just didn't give me that knock you on your nice sound like the elite. I listen to all kinds of music from classical to rap and the matchup with my speakers with the elite just amazed me. With these high end recievers you can't go wrong. I would see if your sales rep would let you demo both and compare. It is all about personal preference at this point. One thing you might consider though is that Pioneer elite is releasing a new dvd player that will have i-link and also firewire so you will be able to run one wire to your reciever for digital audio and one wire to connect the video digitally to your tv( I have a Mitsu with firewire) This is awsome considering that your dvd player will not have to convert a digital signal to analog. The dvd player is scheduled to come out this winter. Good Luck!</font>


<font color='#000000'>Yamahaluver, &nbsp;Thanks for the input. &nbsp;I've read about how musical the Marantz is. &nbsp;What is it you like about the Denon? &nbsp;I know it has lots of inputs and outputs and has a few more amps, but why the big price difference?</font>


Audioholic General
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
Syd : <font color='#000000'>Yamahaluver,  Thanks for the input.  I've read about how musical the Marantz is.  What is it you like about the Denon?  I know it has lots of inputs and outputs and has a few more amps, but why the big price difference?</font>
<font color='#0000FF'>Syd,

I just find the Denons better built that the Pioneers although that doenst mean that the Pioneers are poorly constructed but I feel the Denons are solidly constructed with better amp section, bigger caps. Denons can handle low impedances pretty well where the Pioneer units have been known to shut down. This is all IMHO. Others may have different opinion on this. I just find the Denons better built than Pioneers but as I said, I will take the Marantz over these two anyday.</font>


Audioholics Master Chief
<font color='#000000'>Dis;

The new NAD receiver looks very impressive. &nbsp;It seems to have a very robust amp section and above average digital front end to match it. &nbsp;In the near future we may request a sample for review. &nbsp;Thanks for the link.</font>


<font color='#000000'>The NAD does look good. Finally a company that feels comfortable delivering a receiver with the features we want but without the huge power.

The five scenario presets are very interesting. Very similar to a feature I added to the receiver wish list some time ago. &nbsp;The receiver also does signal format detection and switches to the appropriate setting.

Hopefully it allows the user to tie the presets to an incoming signal format type for automatic recall.

Nice reciever worth considering.</font>

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