Hi, anybody using ZONE2/ZONE3 audio with Denon AVR receivers ?
I just started with the new AVR 4306 receiver, previously had AVR 3803 and a great experience with ZONE2.
AS for the 4306, I DON' LIKE few aspects of operating ZONE2 (maybe I'm missing something
- like with the 3803, also here you can only control Volume with the remote (no use of receiver's knob) - right?
- when the ZONE2 (or ZONE3) is ON, the MULTI sign is displayed on rcvr's LCD, but you can hardly see it from the distance (3803 had bright red diode which you could not miss)
- I really don't like the remote, but what really gets me
is that I can not figure out if the ZONE2/ZONE3 is ON or OFF just by looking at the remote.
There's no indicator.
So, if I'm in the ZONE2 room and can not see the receiver, I'm trying to put the volume up (with the remote and RF/IR transmitter) but I don't even know if the ZONE2 is ON or OFF.
- even worse, by using volume button in the Main zone and not knowing that Iam actually controlling ZONE2 at the moment, by accident I can make somebody (who happens to be in the ZONE2 room) scared to death/deaf.
Anybody having similar discomfort/any advices here ?