The best advice you will get is no matter what people suggest, you should listen to them and make your own choice. Most people on here will say something similar. If you have some idea of what you like people on here might be able to point you in the right direction.
I have heard the Axioms and really like them. I have also heard the following models in that price range:
Klipsch RF-5 (easy to drive, a little bright)
Polk RTi10 (power hungry, warmer than Klipsch)
DefTech BP7006 (warm/balanced, heard they are hard to place)
People with more experience with these setups can add more info. all of the above in brackets is in my opinion only. Out of the above I like the Klipsch the most, but my friend whom I went testing with (who has the Axioms) hated them. To each their own.