I just purchased a Denon 3805 and evrything seems to be working great it is a major upgrade from my little old Sony reciever.
Only area I seem to be having trouble with is the on screen display. Anytime I go into setup the menus show up on my TV completeley garbled and flickering. Looks like a computer monitor when you have it set to a resolution it does not support.
Here is my setup.
Sony DVD ---Component Cable--- Video in 1 (Optical 2 for sound)
DBS ---Component Cable--- Video in 3 (Optical 1 for sound)
3805 ---Component Cable--- Mitsubishi TV Comp In 480i/480p/720i/1080i
DBS works great, get 480i on channels that are not Hi-Def and 1080i on others.
DVD works as it is supposed to as well.
I am sure I have done something wrong but I can not figure out what.
Any Suggestions?