On the receiver itself, not using the remote, push:
system set up
ch sel enter
hit down
ch sel enter
hit down
hit L or R at 63Hz to boost or cut the 63Hz frequency
hit down
hit L or R at 125hz to boost or cut the 125Hz
do this until you get through the 8kHz frequency
then it restarts at FL or "front left speaker" again
hit right to go to the FR or "front right speaker"
repeat the above steps for your entire set up consisting of FL, FR, C, SLA, SRA, etc...
I recommend putting on a cd that brings out all the frequencies of music while setting the eq. I have a Time Warner Cable DVR HD box, and used channel 920 or something up around there - digital "smooth jazz." You can really tell a difference with the right music.
Did you figure out the OSD yet?
It's easiest to do with the remote and on screen programming sitting about 8 feet away, directly in the center of the two front speakers. Otherwise you are just guessing at what the final product is going to sound like.