denon 3805 eq parameter



I have an denon 3805 and have been told you can adjust the eq parameter which is on screen 1-6. Is this true i have not been able to figure out how to do this. I have run the auto setup and it shows the values.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Absolutely. Have you figured out your on screen display yet? If not, it's an absolute must to set the gains for the eq and all the channels. There are a ton of them. It will definitely "wake up" your speakers once you tweak the eq. The manual does a pretty good job walking you through the setup. If you still have trouble, let me know and I'll post the steps.


I have run the auto setup and have the osd showing the values saved from the auto setup. But it wont let me scroll down to do any adjustments. The only adjustments I can make are in the manuel eq.


Junior Audioholic
djj1 said:
I have run the auto setup and have the osd showing the values saved from the auto setup. But it wont let me scroll down to do any adjustments. The only adjustments I can make are in the manuel eq.
That's correct. The Auto-EQ adjusts the frequencies using a parametric EQ. These are not user adjustable. Only the set-band graphic EQ can be adjusted.


Please post the steps

Buckeyefan 1 said:
Absolutely. Have you figured out your on screen display yet? If not, it's an absolute must to set the gains for the eq and all the channels. There are a ton of them. It will definitely "wake up" your speakers once you tweak the eq. The manual does a pretty good job walking you through the setup. If you still have trouble, let me know and I'll post the steps.
If it isn't too much trouble could you post the steps. I feel my speakers could use some "waking up". I have only run the auto setup and would like to experiment with the eq but I am "deer in headlights" when using the manual.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
On the receiver itself, not using the remote, push:

system set up

ch sel enter

hit down

ch sel enter

hit down

hit L or R at 63Hz to boost or cut the 63Hz frequency

hit down

hit L or R at 125hz to boost or cut the 125Hz

do this until you get through the 8kHz frequency

then it restarts at FL or "front left speaker" again

hit right to go to the FR or "front right speaker"

repeat the above steps for your entire set up consisting of FL, FR, C, SLA, SRA, etc...

I recommend putting on a cd that brings out all the frequencies of music while setting the eq. I have a Time Warner Cable DVR HD box, and used channel 920 or something up around there - digital "smooth jazz." You can really tell a difference with the right music.

Did you figure out the OSD yet?

It's easiest to do with the remote and on screen programming sitting about 8 feet away, directly in the center of the two front speakers. Otherwise you are just guessing at what the final product is going to sound like.


Buckeyefan 1 said:
On the receiver itself, not using the remote, push:

system set up

ch sel enter

hit down

ch sel enter

hit down

hit L or R at 63Hz to boost or cut the 63Hz frequency

hit down

hit L or R at 125hz to boost or cut the 125Hz

do this until you get through the 8kHz frequency

then it restarts at FL or "front left speaker" again

hit right to go to the FR or "front right speaker"

repeat the above steps for your entire set up consisting of FL, FR, C, SLA, SRA, etc...

I recommend putting on a cd that brings out all the frequencies of music while setting the eq. I have a Time Warner Cable DVR HD box, and used channel 920 or something up around there - digital "smooth jazz." You can really tell a difference with the right music.

Did you figure out the OSD yet?

It's easiest to do with the remote and on screen programming sitting about 8 feet away, directly in the center of the two front speakers. Otherwise you are just guessing at what the final product is going to sound like.
Thanks Buckeyefan 1,

I'll give it a try this weekend. Re the OSD, I have an extra S video cable that I will use to connect the 3805 to the Monitor. Then I can sit back in the listening position and play.
Thanks again


Does this effect the freq responce even in direct mode? Does it only apply when the room eq is on? Does it have any effect on the normal, flat or manual settings?
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Any time. A simple yellow rca will do the trick also. Just take it from the back of the receiver labeled "monitor out" to the tv set. For OSD, you don't need a good picture. It's only black and white. If you're switching everything through the receiver, then I'd recommend component R/G/B cables over S-Video if you have that option.


Buckeyefan 1 said:
Any time. A simple yellow rca will do the trick also. Just take it from the back of the receiver labeled "monitor out" to the tv set. For OSD, you don't need a good picture. It's only black and white. If you're switching everything through the receiver, then I'd recommend component R/G/B cables over S-Video if you have that option.
Buckeyefan 1,

Did you see DJJ1's questions above?
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
djj1 said:
Does this effect the freq responce even in direct mode? Does it only apply when the room eq is on? Does it have any effect on the normal, flat or manual settings?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but direct and pure direct cut out all parametric eq parameters, as well as turning off the room eq. Flat should also cut out the parametric eq, but normal and manual should keep your settings. Good question!


On the parametric eq adjustments that are set at the time of the auto setup why is there a range of recorded freq between left and right speakers. Such as front L eq starts at 71 with a -5 gain then front R eq starts at 63 with a -3 gain. It sets the rear speakers simular. Is this normal?


Junior Audioholic
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but direct and pure direct cut out all parametric eq parameters, as well as turning off the room eq.
You can set up the Room EQ to work for the Direct/Pure Direct Modes. You need to access the Auto Setup/Room EQ Menu and choose option 4 (Direct Mode Setup). You can then select whether you want EQ applied to the Direct/Pure Direct Modes or not. :)

Flat should also cut out the parametric eq, but normal and manual should keep your settings.
The Flat setting EQ's all speakers to try and give a flat response. It's still using the Parametric EQ to achieve this. The only time the EQ system isn't used is when it's turned OFF. You have various settings OFF, Normal, Flat, Front and Manual. Manual is only a basic Equalizer (only cuts or boosts) you have no access to Q settings unfortunately.
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Buckeyefan 1 said:
Absolutely. Have you figured out your on screen display yet? If not, it's an absolute must to set the gains for the eq and all the channels. There are a ton of them. It will definitely "wake up" your speakers once you tweak the eq. The manual does a pretty good job walking you through the setup. If you still have trouble, let me know and I'll post the steps.

Buck, it seems that you have good idea about auto room EQ settings. Please help me. Recently I bought Denon AVR 3805

I hooked up all my Speakers [RM20 - Polk Audio], connected the mic DMS305 and started setting up as per the Manual.
All my speakers are working as I can see the noise burst from receiver when I check "Channel Level" under "SPEAKER SETUP"

When I go to Auto setup and click on "Start", it comes out of that menu and goes to next menu, i.e "Manual EQ Setup". One more
funny thing is, in "Manual EQ Setup" also, I can not hear sound from the speakers, but can here when I check, " Channel Level" !!!

Thanks in advance.

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