Hello there! I finally registered for an account here and am pleased to post my first inquiry.
I bought a Yamaha rx-v683 receiver along with two wx-030 speakers last year in an effort to start getting serious about my home audio. My plan is to build on this base as I find speakers that I want instead of speakers that I will settle for. At the moment I am using some Samsung speakers that are left over from a "home theater" Blu-ray set I bought two years ago. Yes they are garbage but have fulfilled a purpose for the time being. The initial intention was to utilize the music caste system for both what it was designed to do and to build into a 7.1 surround sound system however I have never been able to get the wx-030 speakers to sync the audio with the other wired speakers. It's only ever been able to either sync the audio all together which creates a delay with lip sync. Or sync with lips creating an audio delay. Specifically with the wx-030 speakers. Thus is my dilemma. How do I utilize these speakers as part of my surround sound system without having the delay?
Thank you for any help on this. Cheers!