Definitive STS HT system w what to drive them?



Audioholic Intern
I'm considering saving my caesh for awhile to get the system i really want which is the Def Tech STS system. I noticed that the speakers have a freq response lower than 20hz and up to 30k hz most recievers ive been looking at say 20-20k on freq resp. Do i have to go really high end on my equipment that drives these bad boys to get the most out of them. What do you recommend for reciever for this system. I was looking at Yamaha 863. Is this to "low end" since im spending that much on speakers?


Audioholic Ninja
You can't go by stated specs unless you know what the specs are stating. The short answer is that the 863 would power the system just fine up to a medium sized room (<3000 cf). The lower -3db frequency response on the STSs is probably more like 40Hz. Just so you know, to get the lower bombastic effects for HT you definitely need a separate sub. The built in powered woofers in the STS don't cut it for that purpose.

I'd rather save some money on the Mythos Ones and purchase a more functional real sub.


Audioholic Spartan
You can't even hear below 20 hz. and the upper limits of human hearing is 20 khz., but as you get older your hearing isn't as good and you start to hear well below 20 khz. Just use any decent receiver to power them, and a separate sub is still reccomended.


Senior Audioholic
Working in a BB Magnolia store, I get to listen to these speakers a lot. My recommendation, from personal experience only, is that you go with the Mythos Ones and a good sub. I really like the sound of the STS's and I think they are great speakers, but they are a bear to position even if you have a very regular shaped room with good acoustic treatment, let alone a real world room. The Mythos Ones sound just as good in the upper range and the external sub will give a lot more flexibility for positioning to get the best bass response out of your room.

Now on to your question. FR doesn't really matter all that much to the receiver, all you should be worried about is if the amp section of the receiver is powerful enough to push the speakers. In the case of the Mythos series, they are pretty efficient speakers, so pretty much any decent receiver will do you. I would look more for what features you need/want in the receiver and select one based on that. Hope this helps.



Audioholic Jedi
Everyone has a different preference.

I love strong, powerful, clean, subsonic subwoofer bass that shakes my bones, but not everyone does.

If you have auditioned the Definitive STS and think the subwoofer output is just right for you, then it is just right.

I think the point of getting tower speakers is for that "full-range" effect. If your towers are NOT full-range, you might as well just get monitor speakers IMO.

What I look for in amps is the ability to drive low impedance loads at good power output.

What I look for in speakers is the minimum impedance and sensitivity.

For example, the STS may have a minimum impedance load of 6 ohms and a high sensitivity of 90dB w/m. Most amps out there can handle that. And since it has the built-in powered subwoofer, you won't need very much power to drive the tweeter and midrange drivers. So that Yamaha receiver is just fine.

Just don't pay full retail price for any speaker or receiver you buy.:D

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