Room Size Estimate
Room size is usually a factor in figuring out the size of a subwoofer, or for low bass from main speakers. Usually room size is figured in volume (cubic feet). It takes into account all the space that the room opens into without closeable doors, such as kitchens, hallways, etc. I think the small room would be a small bedroom in a ranch house, possibly 10’ x 12’ x 8’ or 960 cu ft. An average medium size living room may be about the size of your room 20’ x 15’ x 8’ or 2400 cu ft. A large room is anything bigger. My HT room is an open floor-plan ranch house with 8500 cu. ft. Others on the site may have different definitions of room sizes. Probably a good source for room size definitions would be SVS, who sells subwoofers and speakers. You could ask them in an e-mail. My guess is that the speakers you are looking at will probably fill your room with enough sound at normal listening levels 65-95 dB. If you listen louder than that such as 110 dB, which you probably won’t in an apartment building, then you might want to consider a speaker rated for a medium to large room. You can order a sound pressure level (dB) meter (analog is best) from Radio Shack for about $40 which is useful for future audio system calibration purposes. You could then measure the dB rating (C scale) for your television at normal listening level to see what the dB ratings are about.