I don't have time to go over all of your questions, but I will just leave a few comments. If your speaker's built-in subs are very capable subs, there is no real reason not to use them on the LFE output, so long as they can be properly dialed-in with the other subs. On the other hand, if they are weak subs with respect to the outboard subs, there is no good reason to use them on the LFE output since they will not contribute much except for distortion. Your Velodyne and MTX subs are not great ones, but if you don't listen to bass loud than they may be just fine. Your built-in deftech subs are not going to be great, but again, if you don't listen at high levels, they may be just fine. There is no reason so switch the speakers from large to small depending on content. If you have to do that, something is not right somewhere. The SB13 is a good sub, but I think the SB16 is a worthwhile upgrade for just a few hundred more. If you get one of the SVS subs, then it is time to ditch the Velodyne and MTX subs and also knock the Deftechs off the LFE input. The important thing about subs is to calibrate them for an overall flat frequency response. However you get there is up to you, but that is the goal.