I am incredibly impressed by the Mythos speaker system--especially the Ones. I expected them to sound thin, especially at low end b/c the "cabinet" (if you can even call that aluminum tower a cabinet) is so small and the drivers are small. But I was amazed! Also, they do a beautiful job of integrating the Supercube sub. That's the key cause you can't really enjoy these speakers without the sub filling in the lows; it's amazing how well blended the speakers and sub are, but the Supercubes are expensive, and you really can't go without one and can't substitute a different sub cause the whole system is engineered to work together, and it really works.
Here's the thing, though: the Ones are very tall floorstanders, so they don't really solve the in/on wall need, and the Twos, which can be wall mounted on either side of your flat panel, are really small and just don't do it for me for music and depend so heavily on the sub. So ultimately I decided to pass....if I didn't have a toddler and another on the way, I might have gone for the Ones b/c I loved the way they sound, but they are just begging to be pushed over by a munchkin! Not very kid-friendly.
Also, re those who were dissing Def Tech overall: be sure that you are familiar with the Mythos line in particular. I absolutely hate the Def Techs with the big side firing woofers (can't recall the model name), but the Mythos line is a completely different design for a completely different purpose...they don't look or sound anything like the other Def Techs.