Decent under $400 receiver for HDTV audio



I use to 'hang out' at a higher end audio store back in the 80's and was amazed at the 'hype' for each and every new higher end audio product that was to re-invent the wheel. I always blew that off since I could never be convinced that spending 5, 10 or $20k for a system could ever be worth it. While I don't want a BlowMart (WalMart) POS, some esoteric system is just plain nuts. Of course, that leaves a whole lot in between.

I started to scan through the posts in this forum and find most are 'newbie' requests. While I'm not that, I haven't followed the newer surrond sound modes after Dolby Pro Logic which is what I have now. I don't have or want a center channel or a subwoofer. Just a 4.0 system.

My wants/needs;

1. Under $400 (or so).
2. If 5.1 is the next step up from a plain 'stereo' receiver then that would be it.
3. I would perfer to do the video switching inside the TV so I don't believe I would need any video in/outs, this I'm not clear.
4. Signal strength indicator for the FM tuner.
5. Separate audio delay adjustment for at least one input (not all inputs) for the video processing issue of Microdisplays (and most HD TVs'). Note: this is not a delay for the surrond sound mode!
5. Provision to power an 2nd set of speakers in another room (plain stereo for music) while main use would be for TV.
4. Tone controls for thoise speakers.

I was considering Yamaha.


videobruce said:
I use to 'hang out' at a higher end audio store back in the 80's and was amazed at the 'hype' for each and every new higher end audio product that was to re-invent the wheel. I always blew that off since I could never be convinced that spending 5, 10 or $20k for a system could ever be worth it. While I don't want a BlowMart (WalMart) POS, some esoteric system is just plain nuts. Of course, that leaves a whole lot in between.

I started to scan through the posts in this forum and find most are 'newbie' requests. While I'm not that, I haven't followed the newer surrond sound modes after Dolby Pro Logic which is what I have now. I don't have or want a center channel or a subwoofer. Just a 4.0 system.

My wants/needs;

1. Under $400 (or so).
2. If 5.1 is the next step up from a plain 'stereo' receiver then that would be it.
3. I would perfer to do the video switching inside the TV so I don't believe I would need any video in/outs, this I'm not clear.
4. Signal strength indicator for the FM tuner.
5. Separate audio delay adjustment for at least one input (not all inputs) for the video processing issue of Microdisplays (and most HD TVs'). Note: this is not a delay for the surrond sound mode!
5. Provision to power an 2nd set of speakers in another room (plain stereo for music) while main use would be for TV.
4. Tone controls for thoise speakers.

I was considering Yamaha.

At this price range, just look at the back of the receiver, if it has enough connections for all your equipment... if it works like you want it to, and if the user interface is nice. Their is no perfect solutions, and everyone likes something different... choose a few solutions then wait for a sale...

There is allot of Hype in the Market for high end audio... But I wouldnt ever stop someone from spending a few thousand on speakers. They are really nice... When I got my Thiels, I noticed that I wasnt listening to music at high volumes, but found myself unknowingly listening to it at very low volumes. It was amazing to find myself able to hear and experiance the sound without pumping the power.


Problem is, you can't always tell from just looking at the unit. Inputs aren't really a issue. It's usually what you don't see and what the manual doesn't tell you.
Hence the purpose of the question.


Unfortunately there is very little information available for low end receivers, and as you probably know, the places that sell these are not good places to tell the sound quality. High end audio stores spend time with you, hooking up multiple receivers, in rooms that are excellent places to tell what the systems sound like.

I am no longer a frequent reader of audio magazines, and therefor I havent seen any reviews. These receivers are often left out of these magazines anyways.


Audioholic Overlord
4, the second 4, and the first 5 will be your problems.

4) I haven't seen a signal strenget meter since analog died. In face, digital tuning obviated the usefulness of SSMs. Aside from positioning an antenna they are useless for tuning.

5a) Can't recall ever needing or researching this but perhaps others have found the need for this.

5b) this is pretty easily accomplished with virtually any receiver that has a "speaker A/B" switch, and that's pretty much any receiver, however...

4b) ...You'll not find any with separate tone controls for them. These are part of the preamp stage. ...totally different creatures.

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