OK, so you need a Receiver?
them HSU books shelfs are pretty efficient (92 if I remember correctly,) so almost any avr will get them to play loud with ease...
This is a great deal rite now
Pioneer 7.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver I am not the type to spend $1500 on an avr, you can get a really nice unit for around $500 in most cases, denon 3312s are here and there on sale for around $550, pioneer 1222k for around $500, but rite now I like this sc63 for under $700 thats a lot of avr for the money, and its an Elite model, and I really like the d3 amp sections...
I would look into the Ascend Acoustics 340se, 170se, and 200se over the HSU bookshelfs, I have demoed them both and IMO the ascends are a much better sound, the ascend sierras are another step up which the HSU's couldn't compete with, I am not a fan of horns and they hsu's to me were fatiguing, they sounded great initially but by the end of a movie I was almost down to mute, because I kept turning it down as time went by, not as bad as Klipsch , but still brighter than I like... HSU is the rite place to be looking for a Sub, I love my vtf2, but you can do better than them bookshelfs...
Good luck, I hope this helps...