Gosh, I didn't think it was a terrible article. According to audioholics standards it was a bit vague, but the general populace isn't interested in, and would turn the page, if the article went into detail about hirez and hdmi 1.3. I thought they covered the all the bases. They certainly weren't pro mp3, the article mentions many times that the sound quality is much lower than redbook..........And the kid was right, most people under say, oh, thirty, could care less about stereo gear. They can put a music library in their pocket as they skip out the door. What percentage? I don't know, I bet 90% wouldn't trade their Ipod for a Denon 4xxx
As to listening to a whole album, sure great, I give the artist that accomadation. But it certainly doesn't mean I am duty bound to listen to the whole thing every time I sit down. When I buy a disc, the first thing I do is rip inot my Fireball. Then I put it in my Denon 3910 for a critcal listen all the way through. If the album is good, or I am fanatical about the artist, I will hear it through many more times. But most music is in the server and I can pick and choose what songs I like, or more often than not, choose random.
Hell, the true blue audiophiles I know would NEVER have remote and a motorized volume control.........that would be polluting the music with electronic hoo hahs. So, there are levels and levels. The digi music revolution has done one thing, IMHO, gotten people interested in music, and there is a whole vibrant bunch of young fresh bands out there that have found a way to get their sound out.................