One of the things that really surprised me when I first did a screen/projector setup was the huge amount of light that was reflecting off of the screen and onto the ceiling, the rest of the room, and back to me. And my first projector was no light cannon. I'm trying to figure out how to mitigate the splash in this room - hopefully without going all black.
I have not yet had new carpet put in, or paint done. Though the room won't be fancy/custom (no raised second row, few if any absorbers/dispersers on the walls, etc.) it will be relatively dedicated to home theater. This means I can do black velvet around the screen floor-to ceiling and off to the sides, and I can paint the ceiling any color and potentially go with very dark carpet.
My wife suggested a dark blue for the wall, and perhaps avoiding black carpet on the floor, as transitioning that into the attached areas might be tricky, and while it wouldn't necessarily show "dirt" it would show everything that wasn't black.
Thoughts on best ways to control reflected light? (I can't raise the ceiling, I've just got 8' to work with in an otherwise largish room) And whether colors other than black might be bad, say, reflecting blue back onto the screen and causing issues that way?