From a friend who had to leave his house I got a Dared VP-2A3P vacuum tube amplifier. He told me it does not work and indeed it does not. Now Dared repair services are not as common as Mcdonald's and certainly not anywhere close to where I live. So I like to get an idea on what is broken.
There is no sound at all coming from outputs, all the tubes light up and are warm/hot.
Is there anybody who could give me some advise?
I will give you advice. Do not waste time and money on that amp. The amp is some Far Eastern piece of junk of highly dubious heritage.
The US Dared Page dead ends.
There is a supposed dealer in Naperville Il. The web page is loaded with audiophool BS and no useful information whatsoever. You might try contacting them.
Just because a tube lights up does not mean it works. Most dead tubes light up.
I suspect the amp was blown by those speakers, which do not look suitable for a tube amp. The amps blow anyway, as there seem to be quite a few dead Dared amps for sale.
There is no information on that amp that is useful anywhere. To get it working will require a schematic and a list of the tube bias voltages,, in fact all voltage points.
You will need a full range of test equipment.
I personally would either junk it, or try and sell it as a non working amp.
The only other dealers I can find, are one in Melbourne, one in Norway and one in Italy. See of that Naperville dealer is still around and or still interested in those amps.
There does not seem to be even a user manual available. So good luck!
There is just way too much of this sort of lunacy around.
Information is all down hill after this classic.