Actually, this thread was only about the Affinity, until lsiberian gratuitously pushed the Carada into this thread. So, I did address, somewhat, your Q regarding Carada, and to be more specific, the BW material is more often recommended by people here.
It appears there are actually three materials, the BW, along with Cinema White, and Contrast gray.
However, even if the differences between BW and white are marginal (for I highly doubt the screen has a true 40% gain), if you wanted the best uniformity then the white will be better than the BW for that. See, the more gain there is, the less uniform it will be, generally. Also, the more gain there is, the more chances of hotspotting. (Which is why I brought up one of the numerous unique traits of the Dalite HP: huge increase in gain with ZERO hotspotting).
So, seeing that the Carada was gratuitously introduced into this thread, I thought it would be only fair that I should recommend the greatest screen/pj combo I have ever seen (HP + JVC). I've had a DGA director, as well as a former employee of ToddAO come over, and they both say the same thing: greatest pic they've ever seen. And I'm doing that with a lower line, superceded, openbox JVC. I pointedly asked the former ToddAO employee, "It's better than the one they had at work, I bet?". He said yes, but that my sound system wasn't.
So, other side bonuses with the HP? Check this out: the current JVCs have an adjustable static iris. This means you can maintain very consistent brightness throughout the life of the bulb, if you wanted. If one has a fear of being slightly too bright for the first 100-200 hours, just close the iris up a bit during that time. Since the HP is retroreflective, I already do this to some effect by lowering or raising the piping of the PJ mount, in order to decrease or increase retroreflective gain according to the life of the bulb. I suppose this method in combination with a static iris could give you very, very consistent brightness.
You really couldn't do the above with any other screen. And besides, it's amazing! (so long as you understand what I said in the previous post).