Crysis 2 PS3 Demo Pulled



Audioholic Samurai
News has come from EA that they are pulling the plug on Crysis 2 demo due to numerous complaints from PS3 owners of severe connection issues, lag and delays. EA has explained that server issues are the root of the problem, EA has given a statement posted on their site:

EA said:
Thank you for your interest in the PlayStation 3 version of the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo. Though many gamers have had a great experience playing the demo, we are aware that others have been experiencing server connection delays. We’ve identified the root cause and have decided to close the PS3 demo in the next 24 hours to ensure all issues are resolved when the game launches next week. Our priority is to ensure that the final product is flawless at launch.
Crytek has yet to comment on the closure of the Demo but had this to say about recent issues with it:

Crytek said:
We understand that players are having technical issues with the PlayStation 3 Crysis 2 multiplayer demo and we are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. We apologize if it is affecting your experience and we appreciate your patience and support.
I for one am not looking forward to Crysis 2's release, tried the demo and was not impressed with it. The PS3 got the red-headed step child treatment with this demo and I can only imagine that the full game won't be much better. Crytek spent alot of time and effort to blow smoke about how superior their game will be compared to anything that Naughty Dog has done and yet their demo had nothing but issues and the framerate was subpar when compared to that of the Xbox. So if EA & Crytek can't get the demo right with less than a week before the game drops what would make me think they will do any better on the full game in regards to the PS3.

Crytek you have dropped the ball on the PS3 version, you guys could have put in the same amount of effort that you put into the Xbox version but hey I guess that may be a little to much to ask since you spent more time rolling out the PR machine which took away valuable time to make sure the demo was up to snuff, Great Job EA & Crytek



Audioholic Jedi
They already delayed this game like 6 months. They couldn't get it working in that amount of time?


Audioholic Samurai
Nope to busy running around telling everybody that it will smoke UC3 instead of working out the kinks for the PS3 version sorry to say this but the Xbox demo version was better can't comment on the PC version maybe Shock or Hi-Ho can shed some light on it.


Ironically PC gamers are saying the exact same thing (red-headed step child), that the PC version is little better than a port (no dev time worth mentioning invested in it). Featuring things like no adjustable graphical settings beyond presets for low/medium/high/extreme and being greeted at the opening screen with "Press Start".

DirectX 11 is going to be patched into the game too apparently, something that angers a lot of the Crysis = benchmark/pushes the limits people.

Runs easily on PCs however.

Edit: first pre-patch released re-named the graphical settings (names only) and changed "Press Start" to "Press Enter"


Audioholic Samurai
Thanks for the added info Nugu well I guess it safe to say that Crytek was putting their best effort towards the Xbox version it's cool I'll just go play KZ3 then. I'm thinking what Crytek meant to say was " Crysis 2 will be the best looking FPS on the Xbox 360". No DirectX 11 what and it may be patched in, what are they smoking over there.


More in depth on the PC version. Looks like it may not even ship dx10.

Regardless of how the information was presented to you, I'm editing the first post in a more simplistic way of presenting things.

Confirmed facts - I won't quote every source. If you're really looking for them, please browse through the thread.

The retail version of Crysis 2 will be released as a DX9 version. Regardless of the settings, you cannot 'enable' the DX10 visuals/features.
The three official settings for the graphics are - 'Good', 'Very Good' and 'Extreme'. There is possibly a 'Maximum Extreme' setting, though not in the retail version. If we use 'Good' as a reference, 'Very high' only adds Ambient occlusion, where 'Extreme' blurs the image, in a bad way.
The 'first day' patch doesn't enable the DX10 or DX11 visuals. It simply renames the old settings (Gamer, Adv. and Hardcore) to - Good, Very Good and Extreme.
Even if the SandBox 3 editor is included in the leaked beta, there is no SandBox 3 editor in the retail version of the game. Many modders think it will be released in summer as a lite SDK.
Camarillo (Crysis2 Director) still didn't confirm DX11. Camarillo said, "Crysis 2 will support DirectX 11 but we'll talk more about that in the future." But later, he added "We'll look at whether that's a possibility." Also, there is no trace of DX11 files in the retail version.

Pictures - Worst to best; In other words, 'Good', 'Very good', then 'Extreme'. Those pictures are from the final release, retail version, of the game.


Audioholic Samurai
Whoa, wait a minute back the short bus up, so it won't even ship as DX 10 but 9 does anybody else think they really screwed up here. Not being DX11 is goofy but could look past it if a patch became available soon but to ship a game as a DX9 version when they delayed the release six months, what were they working on over there?


Audioholic Samurai
Here is some gameplay footage from a several vids by user agino11 from youtube of the final build of the PS3 version which is being said to be better than the demo. I'll leave it to you decide also do think it looks better than Killzone 3?

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Looks pretty good for a console game.

I'm going to rent it for my PS3 since I'm going to go on a limb and guess the single player is probably 6 hours or less and I imagine EA/Crytek will go with some bad bad drm for PC just like Cry1.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
The whole thing is just stupid. The first Crysis game shipped with DX10. How can the second game ship with only DX9? What are they smoking?

The PC demo is OK but definetely a step backward from the first game. It is quite obvious that their main focus was consoles, appearently the 360 to be specific.

I will hold my final judgement until the game ships and maybe DX11 is added.


Audioholic Intern
I think the issue was, they didn't sell too many of the 1st series due to its demand for a high end rig. I saw that for Crysis 2 Nvidia had a card for $150 that you could play it on (vs having to buy a $3 k rig for the 1st one).


The "3k rig" required myth is something they use to keep console gamers tied to consoles. With minor computer knowledge you can spend 500-600$ and play any game at medium or better settings for the next 2 years or more.

If console level of graphics is all you demand then you can easily get away running games on "low" on said computer for probably 5 years.

Edit: It's actually believed that Crysis ~was only successful due to how demanding it could be~ (it had multiple adjustable sliders - you could made it as resource light or heavy as you wanted)


Audioholic Intern
Yah, I was going off of

"According to The simExchange, the NPD Group reported that Crysis moved 86,633 retail units in the first two weeks of its release in North America[32], but while it beat their expectations, the sales were considered overall disappointing.[33]"

It sold slow, but picked up over the next 2-3 yrs and eventually became a well selling game. I was basing that as people upgraded their systems (2 yrs is long in computer time), they were eventually able to play the game. It eventually sold a bunch of copies, but when it debuted, it was no where near what you see with COD, Halo or any other big FPS.

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