Yes, that is exactly how I use cable ties. No waiting for messy glues to dry.
Thanks, that PE link was a fun read. Its always good to see how sloppy or compulsive other people are. Compared to that guy, I'm a real slob

Don't let any of those elaborate details intimidate you if you think your methods are unworthy. There are dozens of ways to build a box, and most of them work pretty well.
You are clearly getting infected by this hobby. I saw in the photos of your nicely built cabinets, how you even caulked the seam between the inner cabinet wall and the interior brace. You can absolutely 100% guarantee that no air will ever leak through there

. I know how easy it is to just caulk everything once you have the gun loaded with a freshly opened caulk tube.
Keep up with the good work. And please, take more photos.